JAKARTA (6 May 2021) - The marketing strategy through the Bazaar has proven to be quite effective and is very helpful for the Beneficiaries (PM) of the "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi Elderly Center to introduce products that have been made to the general public.


Happy smile of Grandma Sunitah (72 years old), one of the residential PMs, knew that the products she made with other PMs would be marketed at the Ramadan Bazaar event entitled "Cheap Shopping Together with the Minister of Social Affairs" which was held in the yard of the Ministry of Social Affairs office, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 28, Central Jakarta on 6 -7 May 2021.


Together with other 8 PMs, Grandma Sunitah and Musiatin had the opportunity to maintain the “Budhi Dharma” Bazaar booth to promote processed food products as well as the opportunity to shop and visit booths assisted by Social Workers and Social Counselors.


"Thank you for coming to promote the elderly products, I am happy to be able to sell the product and it is selling well, thank God," said Nitah.


Grandpa Cecep, an elderly with disabilities who had the opportunity to see the Ministry of Social Affairs building, visited and shop with ATENSI money at the booths owned by the Center, accompanied by Windi Sihombing, Social Worker, was also happy. "I am happy, the event is lively, entertained and I can buy some goods. I buy sago cake and coffee because the elderly like it,” said Cecep.


The enthusiasm did not only stop at PM's happiness because their products were selling well and could shop according to PM's wishes with ATENSI money, but also enjoyed the moment of traveling from the Centers to the Ministry of Social Affairs office as PM's recreational therapy.


Grandpa Albar, PM, who has a hobby of singing, did not waste the opportunity when Disnet Band Tan Miyat appeared to entertain visitors who came to the Bazaar. With great enthusiasm, Grandpa Albar wanted to sing on stage. The song It's Now Or Never Elvis Presley managed to make the crowd applauded for appearing confidently on stage.


The momentum of the Ramadan Bazaar "Cheap Shopping Together with the Minister of Social Affairs" for elderly PM provides great benefits for developing the quality of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services program. PM learns to make simple processed creations according to ability but has marketability according to market share and learns to market products.

Indonesian food processed products such as salted eggs (Telasin) "EYANG 42 items, pepes telasin" EYANG "37 packs, 49 packs of bothok mlandhing, 18 packs of garang asem, 4 packs of pepes fish, fried onions (Bagor) Sumenep" EYANG " 14 pouches, 8 pouches of Ampera cassava, 10 pouches of purple sweet potato, 8 pouch eggs of cork processed by the elderly at the Budhi Dharma Bekasi Elderly Center to enliven the Ramadan Bazaar on the first day (6/5/2021) and sold well with a total income of Rp 2,041,000, - (Two Million Forty One Thousand Rupiah).

On the second day of the Bazaar, the sales turnover of PM's work reached Rp 1,839,000 (One Million Eight Hundred Thirty-Nine Thousand Rupiah).