JAKARTA (July 21, 2021) - The Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities of the Ministry of Social Affairs held a Technical Guidance for Social Rehabilitation Facilitators. The technical guidance which is held virtually aims to update information about the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) service that will be carried out by the facilitators in the field.


The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, directed that Social Rehabilitation Facilitators could study the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) Number 16 of 2020 on Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI). "This Permensos can be a reference in the implementation of ATENSI services", said Harry.


The Permensos mandates a differentiation of roles between the Head Office and the Social Rehabilitation Center. ATENSI service is a direct service to beneficiaries carried out by Social Rehabilitation Center.


This direct service component includes support for the fulfillment of a decent living, social care, family support, therapy (physical, psychosocial, and mental-spiritual therapy), vocational training and entrepreneurship development, social assistance, as well as accessibility support.


Therefore, at this Technical Guidance, Harry emphasized that the Social Rehabilitation Facilitators must be committed to the Social Rehabilitation Center in working together to implement ATENSI services. "The integrity of friends will be seen if you totally cooperate with the Center", explained Harry.


Social Rehabilitation Facilitators also do not only assist beneficiaries, but also help collect data, provide education, motivation to socialize government programs, especially the Ministry of Social Affairs program.


Harry also directed that his party immediately divide the work area of ​​the facilitators based on the presence of the Center. The scope of targets handled by Social Rehabilitation Facilitators is not only persons with disabilities, but all social rehabilitation clusters such as the Children, Elderly, Drug Abuse Victims and Persons with Social Deviance Issues and Trafficking Victims.


At the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, the Center must be multifunctional, so that the targets handled by the facilitators include all social rehabilitation clusters.

This multi functionality means that the services are complementary, the services are broad, the community is close to reaching the service, all beneficiaries have their rights fulfilled, one place for multi-service, multi-professional involvement is a must, UPT HR gets new challenges and Social Rehabilitation Facilitator Human Resources for all social rehabilitation clusters.

In responding to cases, Social Rehabilitation Facilitators must follow the stages of the ATENSI mechanism, starting from facilitating access to referrals, reports and outreach, approaches and agreements, comprehensive assessments, attention planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation to post-service and termination.

Not limited to social rehabilitation services, Social Rehabilitation Facilitators also need to be oriented towards social empowerment services. This is to ensure that the lives of the beneficiaries are more independent both socially and economically.

Social Rehabilitation Facilitators must also collaborate intensively with PKH/BPNT/Prokus facilitators, TKSK, PSM, and Tagana as well as other social volunteers. "That's why Social Rehabilitation Facilitators must be able to build cross-program teamwork", said Harry.

Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs is also building ATENSI Creation Centers in several parts of Indonesia as a forum for empowerment practices for beneficiaries. The ATENSI Creation Center is a center for entrepreneurship and vocational development as well as a medium for promoting the work of beneficiaries in one area.

This technical guidance involves 183 people who are Social Workers Implementers of Non Civil Servant/(Facilitators of Persons with Disabilities (PPD) and 808 people who are Implementing Volunteers/Social Welfare Workers for Persons with Disabilities (TKSPD).