CIREBON (22 January 2022) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Kahuripan” Sukabumi carried out a Case Response to Muhammad Jafarudin (25 years) with Suspect Osteosarcoma in Indramayu Regency as directed by the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini.


Kahuripan Sukabumi Case Response Team coordinated with the Cirebon District Social Office to obtain the required information. Not only with the Social Office, but the team was also accompanied directly by the Head of Grogol Village, Gunung Jati District to carry out a direct assessment of Jafar.


Jafar had a motorcycle accident in 2017, and in 2020 he began to feel swelling in the part of his body that had a collision during the accident, namely on his left thigh with the size of a palm.


Jafar currently has health insurance in the form of an active BPJS PBI APBD. Previously, Jafar went to alternative medicine but there was no change, then he went to Mitra Plumbon Hospital and Pelabuhan Hospital.


November 2021 based on a referral from Pelabuhan Hospital, Jafar was referred to the Orthopedic Hospital Prof dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta and advised to do chemotherapy. However, there were obstacles related to operational costs, so it was decided to do chemotherapy at Permata Cirebon Hospital. Until now, chemotherapy has not been carried out, based on a referral from Permata Cirebon Hospital, PPKS is advised to do the treatment at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.


Jafar's family provided information that there is a community organization called Projamin that is willing to assist Jafar's assistance and treatment at the RSCM which is planned to be carried out on January 26, 2022.


The results of the assessment carried out, in addition to providing health assistance for Jafar, Kahuripan Center also provided ATENSI support in the form of nutrients including milk, fresh fruits, rice, biscuits, honey, fruit juices, sardines, and vitamins.


An expression of gratitude was expressed from Jafar's family for all the attention and assistance that has been given, the family also hopes that Jafar can receive appropriate treatment related to Suspect Osteosarcoma and can recover as usual.