CILEJIT (July 29, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Training Center Pangudi Luhur Bekasi responded to the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini to hand over Family-Based ATENSI program to the Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS) named Iwan. The assistance was in the form of equipment for selling porridge Rp 4.742.000,- which is precisely located in Cilejit Village, Batok Village, Tenjo District, Bogor Regency, on Thursday 29 July 2021. Iwan is a reference from the TRC of the Ministry of Social Affairs as a result of the motivation of the Minister of Social Affairs in the Blok M area, South Jakarta.


Based on the results of a comprehensive assessment with the Bogor Regency Social Service, the Social Worker provided motivation to Iwan's family about a business that could be undertaken and used as a fulfillment of the necessities of life for his family. The result of this motivation is that Iwan wants to be able to sell Chicken Porridge because he has experience in selling it.


Iwan was very happy when visited by the team. "I am very grateful to Pangudi Luhur Center of Bekasi for the ATENSI service provided," said iwan.


Pangudi Luhur team also advised Iwan to remain enthusiastic and try hard in utilizing the assistance that has been given so that he can help the family's economic business.