JAKARTA (July 28, 2021) - The Ministry of Social
Affairs is preparing to establish cooperatives at the ATENSI Creation Center
(SKA) and the Social Welfare Institution (LKS). The formation of cooperatives
was directly initiated by the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, in
order to pay attention to the sustainability of the lives of beneficiaries at
the Social Rehabilitation Centers of the Ministry of Social Affairs and LKS.
The Director General of
Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, at
Monday's meeting (26/7) said that the initial potential in LKS already exists,
namely a kind of waste bank. For the ATENSI Creation Center, the potential for
business already exists, ranging from culinary, handicrafts, services and so
on. The Ministry of Social Affairs does not want the programs launched to be
not managed properly, so it is necessary to establish a cooperative.
At this meeting, the
Ministry of Social Affairs invited the Assistant Deputy for Cooperative HR
Development of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Nasrun Siagian. He conveyed
various initial information ranging from what a cooperative is, the purpose of
a cooperative, the role of cooperative members, cooperative capital, the
conditions for forming a cooperative to the procedures for establishing a
Cooperatives are business
entities consisting of people or cooperative legal entities based on their
activities based on cooperative principles as well as a people's economic
movement based on the principle of kinship.
Nasrun advised that
before the formation of a cooperative, there must be a pre-cooperative, namely
to see what business will be run. Many were passionate about establishing
cooperatives but added to the tombstones of the cooperative. This is because
the management is not optimal so that cooperation is not active.
The purpose of the
cooperative is to prosper its members by serving the needs of members such as
production, consumption, services, marketing, capital, and other interests.
Cooperative members act as owners, supervisors, and users of goods/services.
In terms of cooperative
capital, said Nasrun, there are 3 sources of capital. The first is own capital
(principal savings, mandatory savings, reserve funds, and grants). Second, loan
capital (members, other cooperatives, banks/institutions, issuance of bonds and
other debt securities, and other legal sources). Third, equity participation
(government, community, business entities, and other entities).
Nasrun also conveyed the conditions for the formation
of cooperatives, namely primary cooperatives are formed by at least 9 people,
secondary cooperatives are formed by at least 3 cooperatives, cooperative formation
is carried out with a deed of establishment that contains articles of
association and cooperatives have their domicile in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
Another important point is that cooperatives obtain
legal entity status after their deed of establishment is approved by the
government. Nasrun also advised that cooperatives were formed with honesty and
volunteerism as the main capital. There is also a need for managers who are
capable, creative, innovative, and have a social entrepreneurial spirit.
Secretary of the Directorate General of Social
Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna also added that the now multifunctional
center has various beneficiaries, ranging from children, people with
disabilities, victims of drug abuse, the elderly, as well as persons with
social deviance issues and victims of trafficking in persons. "We can find
qualified beneficiaries who can build this cooperative," he said.
Several ATENSI Creation Centers (SKA) that already
exist and are ready to form cooperatives include SKA Pangudi Luhur Bekasi, SKA
Kartini Temanggung, SKA Antasena Magelang, SKA Ciungwanara Bogor, SKA Mulyajaya
Jakarta, SKA Toddopuli Makassar, SKA Mahatmiya Bali, SKA Paramita Mataram, SKA
Dharma Guna Bengkulu and SKA Nipotowe Palu.
Even SKA Toddopuli Makassar is processing its
documents to a notary. "We are in the process, now our documents have been
notarized," said Christina Junus, Head of Makassar Toddopuli Center.
A total of 8 LKS are also ready to establish
cooperatives. They are LKS KDM, Balarenik, Uswatun Hasanah, KPIM, Swara Peduli,
Kumala, Sekar and ERBE. Some of them revived cooperatives that had been built
and some started new ones.
This virtual meeting was attended by the Secretary of
the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, the Director of Social
Rehabilitation and their staff and the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center
of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.