JEMBER (May 3, 2023) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities and a team of advocates are calling for the release of convicted person Sutono, a person with disabilities, a resident of Sukoreno Village, Kalisat District, Jember.

Defendant Sutono's attorney team, Deden Yudiansyah Wanto accompanied by Rully Octavia Saputri and Nia Puspita expressed gratitude for the defense of Sutono's client, a person with special needs who was charged with theft case who was acquitted a day after reading the verdict of the Jember District Court panel of judges.

"Alhamdulillah, our team of attorneys for Sutono's defendants have tried our best and are supported by media friends and support from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of the Republic of Indonesia, ended a maximum of a day after Sutono's verdict was released," said Deden, Wednesday (3/5/2023).

To carry out the verdict of the Jember District Court panel of judges, the convict Sutono was sentenced to 4 months and has already served.

"So we, a team of attorneys together with representatives of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, took him home. On this occasion, we would like to thank the print and electronic journalists and the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, who oversee the legal process for persons with inclusion," concluded Deden.

Meanwhile, Siti Mardiyah, First Expert Social Worker at the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, expressed her gratitude for Sutono's freedom thanks to the efforts of a team of lawyers and media crew who oversee the legal process at the Jember District Court.

"In addition to monitoring the legal process of the convicted person from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, after Sutono's release, we will provide rehabilitation and independence training," said Mardiyah.

Mardiyah added, Sutono has creativity such as painting, making kites and shaving his hair that can be developed.

On the other hand, Rully Octavia Saputri, the defendant's team of lawyers, stated that his party, together with the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, picked up the convict Sutono and took him to a family gathering place.

"Everyone hopes that in the future Sutono will become a better person and be accepted by society and not repeat his actions. In the future, after undergoing rehabilitation and independence training, it can be beneficial for the family," concluded Rully.

Previously, the Head of the Panel of Judges, Aryo Widiatmoko, in the decision of the Panel of Judges at the Jember District Court, stated that the defendant Sutono was proven guilty of committing theft and sentenced him to 4 months in prison according to the demands of the public prosecutor. The defendant Sutono is mute and deaf.

The verdict reading was immediately heard by Andrian Febrianto and Deden Yudiansyahwanto, the defendant's PH, and the Public Prosecutor (JPU) Luh Putu Denny W in the Sari PN Jember courtroom who stated that they were accepted and did not appeal alias inkracht.