ADONARA (April 24, 2021) - For nearly a month, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation has been continuing to provide Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) directly to children affected by flash floods in East Adonara District and Ile Boleng District, East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT).

The division of areas and the period for post-disaster handling of one month is the direction of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat to facilitate monitoring between directorates. However, LDP activities were not only carried out in this area but also in other areas affected by the disaster, bearing in mind that the Social Worker Service Unit (Sakti Peksos) in all regions of NTT always conducts LDP.

The flash flood disaster that occurred in NTT left a bad experience for every child's soul. Many of them felt sad and down because they lost their home as a place to live, lost their place to play and lost their siblings - even the parents they loved.

Various attempts have been made by children to forget about the flash floods that occurred on April 4, 2021, but they have not fully recovered psychologically because the memory of the disaster is still clearly recorded in their minds.

Responding to this, the Social Worker of the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation together with the Team from the Naibonat Children Center in Kupang, according to the direction of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, continue to carry out LDP activities through direct assistance to children and families who have lost family members. Activities carried out in the framework of trauma recovery for children affected by the disaster include inviting children to sing, tell stories, play magic, and play games with prizes.

"We invite the children here to draw and paint together as a form of art therapy. This art therapy technique is expected to be able to improve the mental and psychological health of children to be able to help them recover after a disaster situation," said Tini, the Social Worker at the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation.

“Is my drawing good? Are the colors suitable? I make trees and grass green so I can take care of nature," said AR, one of the children who took part in the Art Therapy Activity.

Social workers also carry out storytelling activities for children at the Nelelamadike Elementary School Post and the Nelelamawangi Village Command Post. This activity is carried out in an educative and participatory manner so that children can listen and feel the story within themselves. At the end of the storytelling session, the Social Worker asked the children questions regarding the contents of the story being told. For children who are able to answer, the Social Worker gives prizes in the form of storybooks that have been provided.

The excitement at the evacuation post was also marked by the presence of Kak Seto and the team from the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI). The Ministry of Social Affairs is collaborating with LPAI to entertain children in evacuation sites. The children felt very happy when they were invited to play together by Kak Seto. This can be seen in their outburst of happiness.

“We are very happy to be here to entertain children through LDP activities. The hope is that all of the children can get back up and smile," said Kak Seto.

In addition to conducting LDP for children, social workers also coordinate with related parties at evacuation sites.

"From the results of the coordination carried out, the Head of the Evacuation Command Post explained that as of April 21, 2021, there were only 3 of the 5 remaining posts, including the MAN 1 Command Post, East Flores Campus II, Waiwerang Village, the Nelelamadika Elementary School Post, and the Nelelamawangi Post. This is because the people affected in the other 2 posts have returned to their own homes. While the other 3 posts are still waiting for the emergency response status to be completed," said Boymen, a Social Worker at the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation.

"We have held meetings with the BPBD Office, the Social Office, the Education Office, and the East Flores District Head that the emergency response time should have ended by April 24, 2021, but was extended to May 1, 2021. Apart from that the relevant agency has also provided land for the construction of permanent housing to the community, just waiting for further instructions," said Anselmus Yohanes as Acting Head of the East Flores Regency Social Service.

While at the disaster-affected location in NTT, Social Workers also had the opportunity to hear first-hand stories from the victims of the disaster, one of which was the story of a child who was stuck in a tree during a flash flood.

“That night I was sleeping in the pick-up truck, but woke up hearing people screaming floods. So I immediately climbed a guava tree," said RM, one of the flood victims.

Social workers and the team from the Kupang Naibonat Children Center and Sakti Peksos have also carried out a family tracing of children who are separated from their parents. From the results of tracing, it was found that 2 children were separated from their parents. This is in accordance with the data submitted by the Posko Coordinator. After further investigation, one of the children who was separated from his parents was a child who was stuck in a guava tree with the initials RM.

In response to this, the Social Workers and the Team from the Naibonat Children Center in Kupang conducted a rapid assessment. From the results of the assessment, it was found that RM was separated from his parents for a long time because his parents were divorced, not because of the flash flood.

Currently, RM is being cared for by his uncle who is not far from the evacuation site. Social workers and the Team from Naibonat Children Center in Kupang provided motivation and education to RM to restore his enthusiasm and determination to return to school because 2 years ago he had quit school and worked as a car driver.

With the LDP carried out by social workers from the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation and the Team from Naibonat Children Center in Kupang, it is hoped that it can reduce the stress levels experienced by children in evacuee camps and the whole family can be relocated from evacuation to more suitable permanent housing.