CIMAHI (14 April 2020) – The readers and the Head of the Indonesian Braille Literature Center (BLBI) "Abiyoso" Cimahi, Isep Sepriyan handed over 10 million rupiah cash assistance to the Yayasan Daya Inspirasi Disabilitas Indonesia (DiffsCare). This assistance was the result of fundraising conducted by the readers of Abiyoso.
The chairman of the Yayasan Daya Inspirasi Disabilitas Indonesia, Dudu, expressed his gratitude for the assistance given by the "Abiyoso" Reader Community in Cimahi. The assistance will be distributed to the people with disabilities affected by the COVID-19.
Isep Sepriyan conveyed to Dudu that those disabilities who become the target of assistance should register for the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS). By doing so, Diffscare as an institution could be a partner of the Ministry of Social Affairs as well as access the other Social Welfare Potential and Resources (PSKS).