SURAKARTA (December 4th 2019) - Center for Social Rehabilitation for Physical Disability (BBRSPDF) "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta held a Social Workshop on the Role of Regional Governments, Entrepreneurs and Parents in Empowering Physical Disability Beneficiaries of BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta in the Brawijaya Building. Social gathering activities were opened by Tutik Nurning DKW as the head of the resosialization and further guidance fields representing the head of Balai.

The event was filled with talkshow presenting the speakers from BBRSPDF  "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta, CV. Lentera Kartasura Regency of Sukoharjo and parents of ex-social welfare services recipients (PPKS) on behalf of Irotul Ika origin from Malang Regency East Java Province

In the talk show, Tutik Nurning as head of the field of resocialization and further guidance BBRSPDF  "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta delivered material about the progress 5.0 NP.

Siti Hartati, head of CV. Lentera Kartasura District Sukoharjo has received an employee of the former PPKS a number of 5 people and the 4th year has established cooperation with BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta. Siti Hartati is very grateful to accept employees with disabilities. Many consumers are satisfied with the service that has been given.

Darmadi, one of the former Social Walfare Service Recipients (PPKS) in photography skills currently has an independent business or business owner Nadika Photo in Malang district. Then Agus Murwanto ex PPKS on computer skills have a self-effort computer field  "Emblem of Jaya" in Batang Regency Central Java. Now Agus has had four computer stores in Batang district and has had 25 employees.

Hopefully with this talkshow, the parents who have children have disabilities to continue to motivate his son to be able to live independently and ready to face the real life of society. Moreover, it continues to encourage children to develop their potential.