BOGOR (January 22nd 2020) - Head of Subdivision of Management of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Agus Setyo Wibowo, conveyed to participants in the Preparation of Non-Tax State Revenue Reports (PNBP) that the role of PNBP has an important meaning in supporting national development financing as one of the sources of necessary state revenue. managed and utilized to improve services to the community.

According to the Law Number 9 of 2018 concerning Non-Tax State Revenue, each Head of Ministry / Institution is required to report the target and realization of revenue that has occurred in each semester to the State General Treasurer, in this case the Minister of Finance.

In an effort to obtain data and information on PNBP related to the activities of government agencies as a basis for the minister to determine policies in the field of revenue, it is necessary to submit reports by observing the various efforts that have been made, one of the key factors so that the quality of PNBP management and reporting must comply with regulations. applicable.

The activity, which was held for three days until January 24th 2020, was attended by 59 participants who came from the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation, Finance Bureau of Ministry of Social Affairs and the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. It is hoped that the implementation of this activity will be able to build and increase the insight, knowledge and skills of PNBP officers as a forum for friendship and exchange of information, both among applicators to find solutions to the obstacles that occur in PNBP management so that they are carried out in an orderly, transparent and accountable manner.