ENDE (2 March 2023) - While visiting Flores, the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini met NA, a child victim of sexual violence by her relative. The Minister said that she will facilitate the education of NA pursuing her passion.

For more than 30 minutes, the Minister persuaded NA to undergo social rehabilitation at the Efata Center in Kupang. "I said so because she has no one here. It is better for her to stay at the MoSA’s Center in Kupang." said the Minister after meeting the children at the Ende Police Station, Tuesday (28/2).

The Minister explained that there were many children with similar cases who were undergoing social rehabilitation at the Efata Center in Kupang. In addition to psychological rehabilitation, the Efata Center also facilitates the education and development of children's interests. "Thank God, she agrees to move. Later we will take her to Kupang," she said.

Apart from offering social rehabilitation, the Minister also communicates with law enforcement officials so that the perpetrator is given the maximum sentence. "Earlier I communicated with the Police Chief and the Attorney General regarding how the maximum sentence would be because it is clear that the perpetrator is her relative," she said.

The perpetrator of sexual violence against NA was a cousin who lived with her and another family. Law No. 17 of 2016 jo. Law no. 35 of 2014 jo. Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection states that perpetrators of sexual violence against children can be sentenced to a maximum of 15 years.

However, if the act is committed by parents, guardians, people who have family relations, caregivers, educators, educational staff, and officials who handle child protection, or is carried out by more than one person jointly, the penalty is added 1/3 (one-third).

Cases of sexual violence are the main concern of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA). Throughout 2022, MoSA through social assistance in some regions has handled at least 3,346 child victims of sexual violence. It does not include the 254 cases that were monitored in the mass media. 14 out of 254 child victims were children with disabilities.

MoSA undertakes media monitoring about social problems that occur in Indonesia. In 2022, MoSA responded to 6,627 cases, of which 741 cases were children’s cases with various problems.

"This case was found by our team that undertook media monitoring. I always receive results from the Public Relations Bureau every day regarding various social problems. There are those who are sick and cannot have treatment. Some of them were rape cases like NA’s,” she said.

MoSA is responsible for the social rehabilitation process for children victims of violence. The violence can be physical, psychological and sexual. If the community finds cases of violence against children, they should contact the number 021-171. They can also contact the nearest social companion or MoSA’s center/integrated center.

Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs