WEST LOMBOK (December 18th 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Paramita" Mataram received a visit from a training participant for a human trafficking prevention group organized by the Center for Human Rights Studies, Faculty of Law UNRAM represented by Any Suryani Hamzah. Any explained that one of the faculty programs is to serve the community as a form of this service, one of which is by providing training on the issue of human trafficking.

This activity was carried out because the conditions of human trafficking in NTB had entered the red tier two zone, which means that it was very worrying, NTB becomes the sending, receiving and transit area for human trafficking. Because this is an extraordinary crime, sometimes victims are no longer able to live their life as before, including their lost confidence.

"Our experience is that victims who are found if they are not referred to Paramita are usually taken to the Mental Hospital for their psychological recovery, because that is our initiative and there is also the Criminal Act of human trafficking (UU TPPO) No. 21 of 2007 that the community is also must participate in matters of prevention," said Any.

"Based on this, we have formed prevention groups and thank God this prevention has worked and has become a study center for all of Indonesia. Currently, 5 groups have been formed working for 5 districts in NTB province," Any added in his speech.

In order to support the training for the human trafficking prevention group, he brought the participants to visit BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram to learn about the process and steps to deal with victims.

The head of BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram, Ahmad Subarkah, in his speech explained about the organizational structure of BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram and the cases handled in the center, the types of services provided and the targets of the services.

On this occasion the Head of Center explained that all services at BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram were free because they had been supported by the State Budget from the Ministry of Social Affairs. The Head of Center also advised that when he found a problem, immediately contact BRSAMPK "Paramita". "We are ready to provide services to child victims of human trafficking," said Subarkah.

The Head of Center also hopes that there will be cooperation with the human trafficking prevention group to overcome problems in the future. The activity was closed with a question and answer session about technical services and rehabilitation for victims at BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram.