CIBINONG (14 December 2020) – The Ministry of Social Affairs ensures that the vocational capacity development program for persons with disabilities continues amidst the pandemic. Through the Center for Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (BBRVBD) Cibinong, Bogor Regency, the Ministry of Social Affairs conducts outreach and distributes assistance to persons with disabilities throughout Indonesia.


Head of BBRVBD Cibinong Manggana Lubis stated that the pandemic did not dampen the Ministry of Social Affairs' commitment to continue supporting the economic independence of people with disabilities. Through outreach programs, the Ministry of Social Affairs hones the vocational skills of persons with disabilities while strengthening their access to the world field.


"Because of the pandemic, all activities in the Center are dismissed. However, we reach various parties to develop their vocational skills. We also distribute assistance to people with disabilities throughout Indonesia, "said Manggana in Cibinong, Monday (14/12/2020).


On the same day, BBRVBD Cibinong launched the disability group empowerment program "This Ability" in cooperation between PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ, Kumala Foundation, and BBRVBD Cibinong. The partnership with the business world and Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) is a form of the outreach program carried out by BBRVBD Cibinong.


According to Manggana, apart from the business world and LKS, the outreach program is carried out in collaboration with the regional government, training centers (BLK), and the banking sector. Manggana stated that BBRVBD Cibinong is working with the Bogor Regency Government, the Kuningan Regency, the Cianjur Regency Government, the Sukabumi Regency Government, and the Semarang Regency Government.


"In general, beneficiaries are trained to develop skills in processing paper recycled materials, handicrafts, sewing, and also making batik," he said.


In Bogor Regency, the BBRVBD Cibinong collaborates with a training center belongs to the Manpower Office in sewing activities for 16 persons with disabilities. While 75 beneficiaries participated in outreach program in processing paper and handicraft recycled materials handled by the Cianjur Regency Government.


Then in Semarang Regency, BBRVBD Cibinong collaborated with Balai Berkat to organize an outreach program for 32 beneficiaries in processing recycled paper and making batik.


"There are also 16 beneficiaries who received training in the Training Center in Sukabumi Regency. Then, in collaboration with Sukabumi Social Office, we train 75 people on paper recycling, cooking, and handicrafts. Each training has 25 trainees, "he said.


In Tangerang Regency, 22 people participated in managing the Kito Rato Coffee Shop. 


The beneficiaries from BBRVBD Cibinong also succeeded in honing their skills for the call center class. "Beneficiaries for the call center class are in demand by the banking sector. As many as 90% of beneficiaries that we have trained work in state banks and well-known private banks. Because of the high demand, we plan to expand it from one class to two classes in 2021, "he said.


The Ministry of Social Affairs also distributes social assistance to 23,700 people with disabilities throughout Indonesia through the ASPD (Social Assistance for Persons with Disabilities) program. "The value is IDR 2 million/beneficiary/year. This assisntance is mostly used to support their basic needs, ”Manggana added.



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Ministry of Social Affairs