CIANJUR (December 7, 2022) - The natural disaster that hit Cianjur not only had an impact on the community's physical and socio-economic building sectors but also had an impact on the education sector for school-age children.


In line with the educational needs of child survivors of natural disasters, the Ministry of Social Affairs established an emergency school at the evacuation post. The establishment of emergency schools does not only cover formal education. However, it also includes non-formal education, part of disaster mitigation education.


"The establishment of this emergency school is following instructions from the Minister of Social Affairs, where the children who were victims of the Cianjur disaster asked her to resume teaching and learning activities," said the Head of Abiyoso Center, Agung Hendrawan.


MoSA was not only establishing Emergency Schools, but also provided assistance in the form of school supplies consisting of backpacks, writing and coloring tools, origami paper, drawing books, and tumblers.


"For the curriculum and teaching in the Emergency School, the Ministry of Social Affairs, of course, collaborated with the Education Office in Cianjur so that what is taught is following the needs of the children here. Do not forget, we also include activities that can stimulate children to be enthusiastic about learning and free from trauma due to disaster, "added Agung.


Until the second week after the Cianjur earthquake, the Ministry of Social Affairs had established Emergency Schools in several locations, namely an Emergency School for PAUD in Kp. Cibinong, Rancagoong Village, Emergency School at Pasir Muncang Elementary School, Wangun Jaya Village, Emergency School at SMPN 2 Cugenang, Early Childhood Education Emergency School at Kp. Babakan Karet and also the Emergency School in Ciputri Village Square.


As previously known, the children at the evacuation post asked the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini directly to establish an emergency school.


According to the Head of Mulya Jaya Center Jakarta Adrianus Ala, at the children's request, the Minister of Social Affairs promised to repair schools damaged by the earthquake. For this reason, all related staff is working to build an Emergency School.


"We, starting from PSKBA (Social Protection for Natural Disaster) Directorate, Ministry of Social Centers, Poltekesos (Social Welfare Polytechnic), to Tagana's friends, to try to establish an Emergency School," said Adrianus.