BATURRADEN (April 21st 2020) - Coinciding with Kartini Day, the Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) “Satria” in Baturraden held a social action to care for COVID-19 by distributing food packages to residents around the hall.

Restyaningsih, as the Head of the Balai, revealed that this social action activity was a form of concern from female employees, the support of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan and the BRSKPN “Satria” Guyub Sejahtera Cooperative in Baturraden for vulnerable families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

140 basic food packages containing rice, cooking oil and eggs were handed over to some residents of RW 1, 2 and 3 in the Ketenger Village area who had previously been identified by the BRSKPN “Satria” team in Baturaden together with the local head of the RT. Most of the food packages recipients are widows and families whose income depends on daily income and non ASN employees in the scope of BRSKPN "Satria" in Baturraden.

This basic food package delivery mechanism uses coupons and scheduled collection times for each RT in order to limit the crowd. Residents who take basic food packages are advised to use masks, wash their hands with soap, and have their body temperature measured when entering the Balai environment. Not only that, they are expected to be introspective while maintaining a safe distance from one another. Apart from taking the basic food packages using coupons at the Balai, the Baturraden "Satria" BRSKPN Team, assisted by the Ketenger Village Community Care for the Environment Forum (FWPL), also distributed basic food packages door to door.

One of the residents of RW 3 expressed his gratitude for the assistance he received for the basic food packages. This assistance is felt to be able to help fulfill their basic needs for the next few days.

This social action activity received support from the Ketenger Village Government. The Head of Ketenger Village, Mr. Wartam, invites the public to say a prayer so that we can win the fight against COVID-19 by maintaining health, trust in Allah SWT and supporting the Government's advice in preventing the spread of COVID-19.