(6 July 2021) - The Ministry of
Social Affairs through the Toddopuli Social Rehabilitation Center in Makassar
carried out the Movement to Raise Attention and Sympathy in Organizing
Solidarity and Embrace Children, abbreviated GEMAS MESRA. This activity is following the Ministry of Social Affairs Program contained in the
Minister of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) Number 16 of 2020 on Social
Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI). ATENSI conducted by the Ministry of Social
Affairs is carried out through 3 (three) approaches, namely Family-Based, Community-Based,
and Residential-Based.
GEMAS MESRA is a public service innovation
activity created by Toddopuli Center in Makassar with the aim and purpose of
involving the community as partners in the Rehabilitation and Social Protection
Program for children.
GEMAS MESRA activities are divided into
several stages, one of which is dissemination. Muhammad Yusran, representing
the Head of the Toddopuli Center in Makassar, explained that this dissemination
aims to explain the GEMAS MESRA Program to parents, community leaders,
religious leaders, members of the community itself, and also people who care
about children.
This GEMAS MESRA activity was carried out in 5
communities in Makassar City, namely: 1. Children Scavengers Community, 2.
Indonesia Cares Social Movement (GSPI), 3. Community Cares for Street and
Marginal Children Education, 4. Crempel, and 5. Sikolamangkasara.
Yusran also explained that for 2021 GEMAS
MESRA was attended by 15 children from each community with the form of
activities to be carried out namely assessment, group dynamics, social
guidance, interests, and talents/skills guidance.