MAKASSAR (May 18, 2021) - In accordance with the direction of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, every employee of the Ministry of Social Affairs, both Central and Technical Implementation Units (UPT), is required to carry out an Antigen Swab after the Idul Fitri 1442 H holiday. This Antigen Swab is carried out to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 virus in the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Following up on this, Christiana Junus, Head of the Toddopuli Center in Makassar ordered all civil servants, PPNPN and Beneficiaries to take the Antigen Swab. The Antigen Swab was carried out for 2 days, namely May 17 and 18 2021.

In collaboration with the Makassar City Health Office and also the Sudiang Raya Community Health Center, the Antigen Swab was carried out in the Toddopuli Center in Makassar while adhering to health protocols, namely washing hands, maintaining distance and wearing masks.

Of the 25 civil servants, 26 non-state government employees, and 8 beneficiaries who took the Antigen Swab, all swab results showed negative COVID-19 status.

Christiana hopes that all employees and beneficiaries will continue to comply with health protocols to avoid the COVID-19 virus.