JENEPONTO (25 February 2021) - Responding to the news circulating on Social Media about Toddlers with Hydrocephalus in Jeneponto Regency, the Child Social Rehabilitation Center Needs Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Toddopuli in Makassar sent a Case Response Team.


The Case Response Team consisting of Social Workers and Nurses accompanied by Sakti Peksos (Social Worker Services Unit) and the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of the Jeneponto Regency Social Service conducted an initial assessment of the toddler.


From the results of the assessment of a child with Hydrocephalus named Fina Anggraini, 2 years old, she lives with her parents in the village of Rannayya, Tolo Barat Subdistrict, Kelara District, Jeneponto Regency.


Rahman, Fina’s father said that their child was born normally but after the age of 6 months a lump appeared on the head which was getting bigger and bigger. Around the age of 8 months was finally brought to a doctor and advised to have surgery at Wahidin Hospital, within a month a week it was performed 3 times of surgery.


In the operation, a tube is inserted from the head to the abdomen with the aim of removing the fluid in the head. A few months later, another 4th operation was performed to balance the size of the head between the right and left sides.


As long as the child has this disease, the congenital disorders that often appear are fever and cough. No other congenital disease is more serious. Other body conditions undergo abnormal development, unlike children whose age has not changed. Small body, limited movement can only wiggle his legs, smile, and be able to respond when calling his name.


Medical expenses and surgery are borne by the government through the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) program. Rahman still hopes for assistance from the government and the community considering that his children still need care, fulfillment of children's nutrition and also fulfill their daily needs.


Sunniati, Social Workers from the Toddopuli Children's Center in Makassar provide motivation and reinforcement as a form of ATENSI services to parents. We do an assessment first to find out the needs of the child.