BANDUNG (20 MARCH 2023) - For a moment his gaze stopped on a piece of bamboo in his hand.  Full of calculation, he rubbed a piece of sandpaper over the surface of the bamboo until the surface was smooth.

That was the beginning of Uwes Kurni's activities, starting his work processing bamboo into tumblers.  At first glance, it looks simply, but the touch of this 36-year-old man's hands can turn bamboo into world-class work.

This man from Lembang Bandung honed his skills at Bandung Social Welfare Education and Training Center (BBPPKS).  Through the technical unit belonging to Ministry of Social Affairs, Uwes -- usually called Aweng, received various assistance.

"We have been assessed for assistance with production equipment, such as engraving, welding, and sanding machines. We have also been given temporary housing at BBPPKS Bandung," said Aweng.

These persons with physical disabilities are members of Disabilities Creative Planet which is fostered by BBPPKS Lembang.  Continuing to hone himself, his work has been featured in a well-known Swedish furniture mall in West Bandung, which is a European retail chain.

Aweng's work includes not only tumblers but also cups, ashtrays, jars, and even woven spice containers.  Currently, Aweng and his friends are working on innovations in making miniatures from bamboo.

Since August 2022, Aweng has produced 50-100 tumblers per week to be marketed online and offline.  In addition to domestic orders, the results of this work have also been glimpsed by Australians and immediately invited orders from the country of the Kangaroo.

Besides online, Aweng and friends' work is also marketed through various exhibitions.


Aweng's work, which is also displayed at the Bale Lembang ATENSI Creation Center (SKA), attracts the attention of visitors.  At SKA, not only display handicrafts, but there are also agricultural products, coffee, and culinary cafes where the barista is a person with a hearing disability.


The construction of SKA Bale Lembang since February 2023 is a form of joint commitment to providing social services to PM.

"If there is a joint commitment, then it can be realized. According to the direction of Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini the function of the Training Center is not only to organize education and training, but also to be a center for providing social services to the community, including empowerment," explained Harry Hikmat when visiting Soft Launching of SKA Bale Lembang, Sunday (19/3).

In line with this, Special Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs for HR Development and Programs Suhadi Lili who was also present revealed that SKA managers must continue to hone their empowerment skills.

Suhadi emphasized that social functioning would be perfect if beneficiaries could become economically independent through empowerment.  He welcomed the efforts to develop SKA Bale Lembang which is expected to become a center of excellence in terms of social empowerment.

This empowerment of Aweng and friends who are members of Disability Creative Planet Community is a form of effort to empower vulnerable groups in collaboration between Ministry of Social Affairs and Regional Government.

Apart from that, BBPPKS Bandung also has assisted villages where the results of their work can be sent to SKA to be marketed.  Harry said this could be a form of empowerment support.

The existing facilities at BBPPKS Bandung can be used for empowerment.  Services for vulnerable groups that are residential (living in the Center) make it possible to use them while empowerment efforts are ongoing.  This facility can be used until beneficiaries can be economically independent.

Aweng revealed that during his time in this business, he made many new friends, new relatives, and new experiences.  Now the economy no longer relies on the family, "So now I can do my own business, earn my own money, don't depend on my family. Of course, this is proof that we sell our work, not compassion," concluded Aweng.