MAKASSAR (December 3, 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Wirajaya" Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Physical Disabilities (BRSPDF) Makassar held various activities to enliven the implementation of International Disability Day (HDI) 2020.
In addition to releasing hundreds of wishing balloons, there was also the launching of an electric chair created by the combined work of the instructors at the Makassar "Wirajaya" Center. The release of the hope balloons is a symbol of the determination and dreams of the employees at "Wirajaya" Center to optimize the implementation of the Social Assistance Program (ATENSI) in the future.
After releasing the wish balloons, the Head of the Makassar "Wirajaya" Center, Aladin, also inaugurated the electric wheelchair which was held before the "Wirajaya" employees took part in the HDI event via Zoom, which took place at the Makassar "Wirajaya" Center ceremony field, Thursday (03/12/ 2020).
In addition, the employees of "Wirajaya" Center also distributed hundreds of masks to residents, especially road users around the Center which is located at Jl.A.P Pettarani Makassar. "The distribution of masks is a form of concern for the "Wirajaya" Center to break the chain of spread and transmission of COVID-19 in Makassar City," said Aladin.
Even at the same time, Aladin also reiterated to employees to remain obedient to health protocols, because COVID-19 is still around us. "Let's continue to do the 3M, namely washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance," Aladin asked.
Various Activities Enliven HDI Implementation at "Wirajaya" Center

Humas BRSPDF "Wirajaya" Makasar
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N