SIGI (14 June 2021) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat accompanied Member of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives (DPR RI), Matindas J. Rumambi to visit Nipotowe Palu Center. This visit was in the context of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of social rehabilitation at Nipotowe Palu Center.


Harry said that the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation implements a Social Rehabilitation program that includes direct and indirect services. This direct service carried out by Nipotowe Palu Center is called the Family, Community, and/or Residential Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) service.


This ATENSI service consists of support for meeting the needs of a decent living, social care and/or child care, family support, therapy (physical, psychosocial, and mental-spiritual), vocational training and/or entrepreneurship coaching, social assistance, as well as accessibility support.


Harry said that the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini always motivates people to continue to empower people with disabilities. "One of these empowerment efforts is through the development of the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA). Beneficiaries can take part in marketing products at SKA," Harry explained in his remarks at the Nipotowe Palu Center.


Not only the beneficiaries of Nipotowe Palu Center, but also social rehabilitation centers in Sulawesi, beneficiaries of the PKH program, BPNT, Prokus, Kube, LKS and the general public who have businesses that can market their products in SKA.


Members of Commission VIII of the DPR RI conveyed that until now the DPR RI is still consistent with its duties and mandate, especially through Commission VIII of the DPR RI to always play the function of control and supervision, evaluate and take appropriate steps related to social handling to the community through one of Commission VIII's partner of DPR RI is the Ministry of Social Affairs.


"In principle, Commission VIII of the DPR RI continues to encourage programs to be efficient and effective as the Nipotowe Palu Center did. The ATENSI Creation Center supports the creativity of beneficiaries, one of which is to make eco print products. It needs to be encouragement from all parties," he concluded.


This eco print product is a process of transferring shapes and colors on the surface of the fabric through the process of boiling, steaming, or directly hitting the plants to be printed on the fabric. Ecoprint products that are now available are in the form of cloth, bags, makeup pouches, mukena, prayer rugs, hijabs to masks.

The Regent of Sigi, Mohammad Irwan, said the same thing, who revealed that his party continues to coordinate and cooperate with various elements in terms of empowering persons with disabilities. "My hope is that everyone will work together. We will continue to coordinate from the central government to the district government to empower people with disabilities," he said.

During this working visit, the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed several ATENSI assistance, namely ATENSI assistance for persons with disabilities in Palu City in the amount of Rp. 319.2 million, ATENSI assistance for people with intellectual disabilities in Sigi Regency is Rp. 180 million, ATENSI assistance for food and beverage stalls, food stall businesses, goat farming businesses, peeled coconut businesses, and retail gasoline businesses.

In addition, ATENSI assistance was also given to the Muhammadiyah Social Welfare Institution (LKS) of Palu City in the form of recycled paper art entrepreneurship tools and materials and to LKS Adinda Khumaira Palu City in the form of Ecoprint entrepreneurial tools and materials.

The Director General of Social Rehabilitation along with Commission VIII and the Regent of Sigi went around to review the activities of the beneficiaries, ranging from the activities of making Eco prints, making recycled paper, to occupational therapy activities.