EAST TANJUNG JABUNG (November 29, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Alyatama" in Jambi returned to the school in the activity "Peksos Goes To School". BRSAMPK team, namely Sarah, Erik, Alita, Vitri, Dedi and Ratu visit 20 students SDLB East Tanjung Jabung Regency.

"I was able to protect myself from sexual violence" into a theme in this day's activity. The event was opened by Sisni, representing the school principal of SDLB East Tanjung Jabung Regency.

Ratu, social counseling BRSAMPK "Alyatama" Jambi delivered the material by playing an animated video about sexual violence and singing along a touch song can.

The children are guided by Alita, (Social worker) to place pictures of things that can be done and what not to do. Not forgetting to melt the atmosphere, Sarah (Social worker) gave ice breaking by singing together.

At the end of the activity participants were given an oral post test by Jerikson as social worker related material, and who can answer the question is given a gift.

Saini One participant is able to reveal things to do to avoid sexual violence starting from saying no if any stranger invites or gives gifts; If there is a kiss of mouth, hold the chest, the genitals and the buttocks are not allowed;  Run and shout for help if you experience it; And tell the incident to the parent/teacher.