WEST LOMBOK (November 4, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who  need Special Protection (BRSAMPK)”Paramita” Mataram received a working visit from the West Lombok Regent Fauzan Khalid. The Regent of Lobar was greeted directly by the Head of BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram, Ahmad Subarkah.

This visit was a work visit and a gathering with BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram. Apart from visiting the West Lombok Regent, he also provided stationery assistance to BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram Service Recipients who came from West Lombok. Also attending were representatives from Unicef and LPA West Lombok Regency.

Ahmad Subarkah in his speech explained about the position, duties and functions of BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram as one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Balai "Paramita" has a working area covering three provinces, namely Bali, NTB and West Sulawesi. The number of Service Recipients who have been served up to November 2019 is 804 children, consisting of 36 babies, 141 sons, 75 daughters, 19 advocacy (out-of-office services), 33 case responses, and 500 Aiming Assistance program.

In his remarks, the Regent of Lobar highlighted the social problems faced by children, especially those from the West Lombok Regency area.

"The resolution of social problems cannot only depend on the social services and BRSAMPK" Paramita "Mataram, but it requires synergy from various agencies, either directly or indirectly related to the problem," he said.

Handling problems can not only be through assistance or compensation, but must be from the source first. With the existence of BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram, children can not only help themselves but also can help the community around them.

In the future, the Regent of Lobar hopes that in the future these children will be grouped according to their talents and interests so that they can be easily provided assistance for their business development.