BEKASI (4 October 2022) - Ministry of Social Affairs and National Commission on Disabilities (KND) are holding a joint viewing of the movie 'Miracle in Cell Number 7'. As is known, it is starring Vino G. Bastian raising the issue of disability.
The movie tells the story of the relationship between a child and a father (Dodo Rojak) who has an intellectual disability. In daily interactions, the son helps his father more in his activities. Along the way, Dodo must undergo a judicial process.
This movie is considered to convey a moral message that is in line with the state's efforts to protect and fulfill the rights of people with disabilities. According to KND Chairman Dante Rigmalia, this is expected to open public awareness about the need for support, and a decent environment and eliminate stigma against people with disabilities.
Specifically related to the film's theme, Dante hopes that the justice system in Indonesia will accommodate people with disabilities who conflict with the law, whether as perpetrators, witnesses, or victims. As depicted in the film, Dodo Rojak underwent an unfair judicial process because he did not receive legal assistance according to his condition.
“I think this needs to be of concern to all of us. The principles of equality before the law also apply to people with disabilities. "They also have to get assistance," he said after watching the movie in Bekasi, on Tuesday (4/10).
This event was also attended by other KND Commissioners, Kikin Purnawirawan, Jonna Aman Damanik, and Rachmita Maun Harahap. In his statement, Kikin expressed his appreciation for Indonesian film directors who are willing to contribute to socializing disabilities to the public.
“This film helps socialize the lives of people with disabilities to society. "However, on the other hand, people with disabilities must also be able to enjoy the film so that there is a balance between non-disabled and disabled," said Kikin Purnawirawan.
Despite appreciating the film's box office success, KND criticized several elements that it felt were not appropriate. “It's not mental disability, but intellectual disability. "We need this correction because based on the characteristics of communication and understanding, Mr. Dodo has an intellectual disability," said Jonna.
As for Rachmita Maun, she regrets that no Indonesian translations are presented in cinemas. With the absence of subtitles, she is worried that deaf people will have a perception that this film is a Western film.
“Because the title and subtitles are in English. "I hope that deaf friends can be facilitated with Indonesian translations or sign language translators," said the woman who works as a lecturer.
Indonesian government has issued Government Regulation No. 39 of 2020 on Adequate Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities in the Judicial Process. KND believes that this legal product is sufficient to accommodate disability rights.
However, its implementation needs to be monitored, especially the way law enforcement officials view people with disabilities. "KND's future work program will carry out monitoring, evaluation, and advocacy related to the use of respect for protection and fulfillment of rights for people with disabilities," said Dante.
According to him, it is crucial to communicate with the filmmakers so that what is conveyed is by expectations and builds a positive image of disabilities in society, including disabled characters played directly by people with disabilities so that the depiction of the condition is authentic.
About National Commission on Disabilities (KND)
KND is a non-structural institution with the mandate to respect, protect, and fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities.
The formation of KND is clear evidence that the government is clear and firm in paying attention to the protection and respect of the rights of persons with disabilities. A total of seven KND commissioners were appointed directly by President Jokowi on December 1 2021 by going through various stages to become the best candidate to lead the KND.
The inauguration of KND membership is the President's commitment to realizing Law (UU) Number 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities and is strengthened by Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 68 of 2020 on National Commission on Disabilities.