TABANAN (November 26, 2020) - In welcoming the commemoration of International Disability Day (HDI) 2020 on 3 December 2020, the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Mahatmiya" Center for Persons with Visual Disabilities in Tabanan Bali enlivened with various competitions participated by people with visual disabilities and all employees.
The competition was held over a period of three days, starting with sack races, football, and ball flops (24/11). The second day was enlivened by competitions in the form of eating crackers, putting eels in bottles and peeling eggs. Meanwhile, on the third day (26/11), prizes were awarded to the winners of the competition.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2020 carries the theme "Rebuilding a better, more inclusive, more accessible and sustainable life after the COVID-19 pandemic", this implies that the community opens up opportunities for economic recovery for people with disabilities after the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure quality. their life is better.
Basically, the HDI commemoration is a form of appreciation for the services, roles and abilities of people with disabilities, as well as a momentum to solve problems faced by people with disabilities.
This is in line with what was stated by the Head of the "Mahatmiya" Center, Sutiono in his remarks at the closing of the competition. "Even during the pandemic and there are few competitions that we can do, hopefully the competitions that we have held can cure your longing for the festivities of HDI," he said.
In the conditions of the pandemic and the 2020 HDI commemoration, the government encourages civil society organizations, academic institutions, and the private sector to form partnerships with disability organizations in planning real activities and actions that will benefit people with disabilities in the future.
Sutiono hopes that people with disabilities can get greater access in many opportunities. This includes, of course, access to jobs in both the government and private sectors as stated in Law no. 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities, there is an obligation for government agencies to provide job opportunities of 2 percent for people with disabilities and 1 percent for the business world.
Humas Ditjen Rehabilitasi Sosial
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N