MAMUJU (January 15, 2021) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Wirajaya" Disability Center in Makassar is involved in helping residents of earthquake victims in West Sulawesi (Sulbar) Province. The assistance provided by the "Wirajaya" disability center in Makassar is a form of emergency response to the earthquake disaster in West Sulawesi.

Starting from information in the media and also based on the results of coordination with the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, the Head of the Disabled Center "Wirajaya" Aladin immediately formed a team to be dispatched to the disaster location, Friday (15/01/2021).

Technically, coordination was also carried out with several stakeholders in West Sulawesi, in particular coordination with the disability post in Mamuju Regency. because it could be from data updates and rapid assessments that are carried out, it is possible that the need for assistance will continue to grow," said Aladin.

The form of assistance under the "Wirajaya" disability center team is in the form of basic food assistance and medicines, especially basic food assistance and medicines for people with disabilities who are affected by the disaster. The assistance was received directly by Syafaruddin as the head of the Mamuju Difabel Mandiri Movement located at the disability post on Jl. Ahmad Kirang, Mamuju Regency.

Anjas as the coordinator of the Wirajaya Center for Disability Team in Makassar, emphasized that if this assistance is a form of Wirajaya Hall's concern for disasters in West Sulawesi, "As soon as they receive information, the Wirajaya Center immediately coordinates to visit disaster victims in West Sulawesi, in particular to provide assistance for people with disabilities in West Sulawesi," said Anjas.

Meanwhile, Syafaruddin who received the assistance expressed his gratitude for the involvement of the Wirajaya Center in Makassar for the assistance provided, "Hopefully this assistance can ease the burden experienced by residents due to the disaster that occurred," said Syafaruddin.

Syafaruddin promised to immediately distribute this basic food assistance to people with disabilities who were affected by the earthquake in West Sulawesi, especially for residents in Mamuju Regency.