SURAKARTA (February 18th 2020) - Head of the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disabilities (BBRSPDF) "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta, Heri Krissritanto received a working visit from 36 members of Commission E DPRD of East Java Province led by Deputy Chair of Commission E Provincial DPRD East Java, Artono in the meeting room on the 2nd floor of BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta.


Also participating in this working visit were Hudiono (Head of the East Java Province Social Welfare Administration Bureau), Muhammad Anas (Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of the East Java Province Social Service), Sigit P. (Head of the PPM Division of the East Java Province Bappeda).


In his speech, Heri explained about the advanced social rehabilitation program for persons with physical disabilities carried out by BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta as the implementation of Progress 5.0 NP.


On this occasion, Heri also hopes to create synergy with the East Java Provincial government so that the social rehabilitation program for persons with physical disabilities can be optimally successful. "We really hope the support of the local government to provide assistance to the beneficiaries after receiving services at this center so that the social functioning and social responsibility of the beneficiaries that have been developed and achieved in this center can be maintained and further improved," explained Heri.


This was also emphasized by Hikmah Bafakih, Deputy Chair of Commission E of the East Java Provincial DPRD. "There should be a phase carried out by the Social Service of East Java Province to prepare the family before the PM termination process from the Hall so that the family can continue the program that has been implemented by the Hall."


At the end of this meeting, Commission E of the East Java Provincial DPRD stated that it would seek a budget for business capital assistance for BBRSPDF alumni "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta who came from East Java Province according to the skills they chose.


The visit was continued by visiting the Nursing and Revalidation Installation rooms, the Dental and Orthose Workshops, and the skill rooms. The group saw the PM's activities firsthand and had a direct dialogue with them.