LEMBANG (January 5, 2023) - Wyata Guna Center Bandung in collaboration with the Organization
and HR (OSDM) Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs carried out Human
Resource development activities to be able to understand the Employee Work
Target Application (SKP) which is one of the elements in the Civil Servants
Work Performance Assessment regulated in the Regulations Government Number 46
of 2011.
Activities carried out at BBPPKS Lembang Bandung,
witnessed by Emy Chotimah, Associate-level Expert Staffing Analyst for OSDM
Bureau, Kurnia Wati, First Personnel Analyst for OSDM Bureau, as Speakers, Head
of Wyata Guna Center, Head of Business Administration, and all Employees of Wyata
Guna Center Bandung.
The Human Resources Carrier activity was taken seriously by the participants because there were so many questions and answers between the participants and speakers. Participants in the activity consider this the latest form of model application, so each employee must be able to understand this application and how to make performance reporting for all employees whose system is considered new and more straightforward, so participants follow closely.