JAKARTA (May 7, 2021) - The "Wyata Guna" Center Bandung also enlivened the Ramadan Bazaar "Cheap Shopping with the Minister of Social Affairs" which was held in the courtyard of the Ministry of Social Affairs office, Jl Salemba Raya 28 Jakarta (6-7/5). "Wyata Guna" Center booth sells various products made by beneficiaries.
Cafe More "Wyata Guna", which is part of the "Wyata Guna" ATENSI Creation Center, sells various packaged beverage ingredients, such as Arabica coffee, matcha latte, legit sticky rice, and others. In addition, the cafe also sells various needs ahead of the Eid Al-Fitr Celebration such as pastries, praying robe (mukena), and various snack cakes in small packages to accompany the breaking of the fast such as fried meatballs (basreng), gurilem, dry soes filled with chocolate, and others.
On this occasion, the "Wyata Guna" Center won an award as the Best Millennials Product (Cafe More). Head of the Bandung "Wyata Guna" Center Sudarsono said that the current achievement was a stepping stone to make Cafe More "Wyata Guna" even bigger through the development of cafe facilities and infrastructure such as providing free Wi-Fi connections, non-smoking areas that synergize for the Atensi Creation Center as entrepreneurial support for recipients of Center services.
Iis Lisnawati, the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Services Section said that during the month of Ramadan, Cafe More "Wyata Guna" cannot sell ready-to-drink drinks at the Bazaar arena, so bottled beverage ingredients are the solution. "The tagline that we are trying to raise at this time is #KopiSeduhCafeMore, Getting Closer to the Heart," said Iis.
Meanwhile, Sipa, Barista Cafe More, a graduate of the Barista Training at the "Wyata Guna" Center, said that the practical drinks sold tasted the same as the Barista concoction drinks at Cafe More, he said.
Visitors to the Ramadan Bazaar are employees of the Central Ministry of Social Affairs, employees of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs at Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Sukabumi, Bandung, Temanggung areas, beneficiaries of the Ministry of Social Affairs' ATENSI (Assistant Social Rehabilitation) program and residents around the Ministry of Social Affairs office, Jalan Salemba, Central Jakarta.
"The Wyata Guna Bandung Disability Center will continuously learn for a better ATENSI program in the Center," concluded Sudarsono.
"Wyata Guna" Center Enlivens the Ramadan Bazaar "Cheap Shopping with Social Affairs Minister"
Humas Balai Disabilitas Wyata Guna Bandung
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N