JAKARTA (July 21, 2020) – Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto was one of the speakers at the Mid-year Evaluation Coordination Meeting (Semester I) & Acceleration of Budget Implementation for 2020 at JS Luwansa Hotel & Convention Center, Jakarta. The Director General of Social Empowerment explained the progress of Program Implementation and Realization of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment.
The Coordination Meeting was attended by 100 participants from all echelon 1, 2 and 3 working unit heads unit within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation and Social Education, Research and Social Counseling Agency.
Edi Suharto explained about the Focus of Social Empowerment Targets and Performance Achievements in 2020 in front of the Coordination Meeting participants, as well as in front of the Minister of Social Affairs.
The focus of Social Empowerment is more directed at increasing Individual Power (PPKS), Institutions (Family, Health Center, Integrated Referral Service System (SLRT), Youth Organizations, Indonesian professional social worker association (IPSPI), community social worker association (IPSM), social welfare agency(LKS) ) and Community (Remote Indigenous Community, Young Generation).
"The main focus of social empowerment programs include Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment of Social Pillars, empowerment of remote indigenous communities (PKAT) Best (Stakeholder-Based remote indigenous community (KAT) Empowerment), and Social Restoration," explained Edi Suharto.
Furthermore, regarding the handling of COVID-19, Edi Suharto explained that the Directorate General of Social Empowerment has played an active role in prevention and dissemination efforts by involving social pillars, such as district social welfare worker (TKSK), Youth Organization, and community social worker(PSM) throughout Indonesia. One of them is by providing PPE assistance to social pillars, hero families, and independence pioneers.
In addition, the Directorate General of Social Empowerment also distributed social assistance in the form of basic food packages from the Ministry of Social Affairs. A total of 100,000 food packages from the Ministry of Social Affairs Present were given to communities affected by COVID-19, such as honorary teachers, scavengers, traders, daily/casual workers, people affected by layoffs, and others.
In helping people who have businesses, especially those who are still in the category of poor and vulnerable to poor (KPM PKH) who have graduated but are affected by COVID-19, assistance is given to strengthen business capital (sustainment grants). This assistance was given to KPM PKH Graduation so that the micro businesses that were run could survive during the pandemic.
Also serving as speaker for this activity were the Head of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), Deputy of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Director General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
Dayasos Focus: Increasing Individual, Institutional, and Community Empowerment

OHH Dayasos
OHH Dayasos; Annisa YH
Mellin Sindi P; Karlina Irsalyana