BOGOR (July 20, 2020) – Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara officially opened the National Work Meeting (TKN) VIII Youth Organization 2020. Without reducing the commitment, attention, and support for Youth Organization, in between his busy schedule, Juliari P. Batubara took his time to provide direction on these activities via teleconference.
This activity was held in order to determine and ratify the Youth Organization's Budget of Association and Bylaws, the determination of the Basic Framework for the National Youth Organization Program, and the Basic Organizational Policies for the 2020-2025 term of service. At the same time the change of leadership and management of the National Youth Organization.
This activity involving Provincial Youth Organizations throughout Indonesia was held for 3 days at Wisma DPR RI Griya Sabha, Bogor Regency, West Java.
"Of course we, the Ministry of Social Affairs are always committed to continue to support and encourage Youth Organizations to be more advanced. The benefits of the existence of Youth Organizationcan be felt even more widely for the community, “explained Juliari.
Youth Organizationas one of the social pillars that deal directly with the community has an important role in the implementation of social welfare. Youth Organizationas a partner of the Government must be professional, dedicated, and innovative in carrying out community programs that are beneficial to the community.
Furthermore, the Minister of Social Affairs hopes that Youth Organizationcan establish good synergy with the central government to jointly overcome very large problems and have multidimensional impacts during this pandemic.
The Director General of Social Empowerment, Edi Suharto, who accompanied the Minister of Social Affairs in the teleconference, added that the social pillars have always been included in social welfare activities. One of them is in the process of distributing COVID-19 social assistance which always involves social pillars starting fromYouth Organization, District Social Welfare Personnel, and community social worker.
At the end of his speech, the Minister of Social Affairs not forget to remind all members of the Youth Organization to participate in inviting all components of society to be more disciplined in implementing the COVID-19 health protocol.
In the meeting, Didik Mukrianto was re-elected by acclamation as the General Chair of Youth national committee(PNKT) for the 2020-2025 service period. Didik conveyed several ideas to maximize the existence of Youth Organization in the community.
"Strengthening Youth Organization institutions needs to be done so that they are adaptive to change. Collaborate with all stakeholders, and contribute to social problems," said Didik.
Furthermore, Didik said there was a need for a Capacity Building Center as an effort to increase the capacity and competence of Youth Organization HR. In addition, the micro business products made by the Teladan Youth Organization must be maintained and developed. For this reason, entrepreneurship training and other potential are needed in the future so that Youth Organization micro-enterprises can survive in the midst of competitive competition.
Also present at the opening of the activities were the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, the Technical Team of the Minister for Poverty Handling (PFM), the General Chairperson of the National Youth Organization, the Secretary General of Youth Organizations, and Provincial Youth Organizations throughout Indonesia.
Minister of Social Affairs Encourages Youth Organizations More Massive to Respond Social Problems

OHH Dayasos
OHH Dayasos; Annisa YH
Mellin Sindi P; Karlina Irsalyana