BEKASI (July 21, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to encourage efforts for handling the COVID-19 pandemic, one of which is by involving social pillars. Cooperation, social participation, care, and vigilance are very needed in New Normal era to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Related to this, it is necessary to socialize the social pillars on how to act in this New Normal era.
In response to this, the Directorate of Heroism, Pioneering, Solidarity, and Social Restoration (K2KRS) of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment of the Ministry of Social Affairs held a Social Restoration Dissemination activity in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic. This activity was held at the Aston Imperial Hotel, Bekasi, and was attended by 100 participants consisting of the social pillars of Bekasi City, namelyDistrict Social Welfare Personnel, Youth Organizations, Community Social Worker and the Young Generation.
Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto through Video Conference officially opened the activity. In his direction, Edi Suharto said that the Social pillars owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs are the frontline in the success of policies and programs in the Directorate General of Social Empowerment.
"We want to increase our understanding, meaning and disseminationof values in society, especially social restoration. Social Restoration is a joint effort to restore the social conditions of people who are experiencing the condition of the waning of the noble values of the nation's personality. social solidarity, mutual cooperation, especially in handling COVID-19," explained Edi Suharto.
After the opening, continued panel discussion with speaker dr. Yusuf Nugraha, founder of the Harapan Sehat Clinic as a free health service for the community. The moderator is the Head of the Social Restoration Section, Muhammad Azam.
The theme of the discussion was "Community Participation in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic" which essentially explained the importance of raising awareness and understanding of COVID-19 through social pillars.
"Therea lot of hoax in society about COVID-19. This is our duty in society. Social pillars must be able to explain what COVID-19 is and how to handle it, as well as take approaches. For example by providing understanding and prevention, for example how to, the importance of using masks, etc.," explained dr. Yusuf Nugraha.
Matrais Dani, Head of Community Social Workers Association(IPSM) Bekasi City conveyedwhat has been done in the community in handling COVID-19.
"We have carried out disseminationin the community and provided assistance. Starting from distributing masks on the highway, spraying disinfectants, etc.," Rais said.
Bekasi City district social welfare worker (TKSK), Dadan, conveyed the need for collaboration in handling COVID-19 in the community.
"As social pillars, we must synergize, collaborate in programs, as well as provide education and services to the community. This is the task of all of us. Today we get Social Restoration Disseminationwhich reminds us that we are part of society," said Dadan
Hasim Ismail, Head of the Bekasi Youth Organization. Also conveyed the social actions taken in handling COVID-19.
"What we are doing is accelerating the handling of COVID-19, we have taken actions, for example, the Bekasi City Youth Organization gave 4 tons of rice to the COVID-19 Task Force," said Hasim.
Social Restoration is expected to restore the values of mutual help arises in society. The need for a life of sharing, by practicing it and being an inspiration to the community. This is marked by increased social participation, the community is able to solve problems, social integration occurs and an awareness of mutual help arises.
Also attending the event were the Head of Sub-Directorate for Social Solidarity and Restoration, Head of the Social Restoration Section, Head of the Social Solidarity Section, and Head of the Urban Village Settlement Study Center (PSPKK) Section of the Bekasi City Social Service.
Social Pillars as the Frontline in the Success of Policies and Programs
OHH Dayasos
OHH Dayasos; Annisa YH
Mellin Sindi P; Karlina Irsalyana