JAKARTA (April 11, 2021) - 700 Disaster Voluntary Workers (Tagana) personnel were deployed to the site of the earthquake that rocked Malang Regency, Saturday (10/4). The Taganas that were deployed came from 10 regencies/cities throughout East Java Province.
"They will carry out four functions, namely evacuation, shelter, public kitchen, and Psychosocial Support Services (LDP)," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Robben Rico in Jakarta, Saturday (10/4).
Based on sources from the Center for Disaster Management and Operations (Pusdalops) Tagana, East Java Province, they came from Malang Regency with 97 personnel, Lumajang Regency with 38 personnel, Blitar Regency with 44 personnel, Tulungagung Regency with 42 personnel, Jember Regency with 88 personnel, District Trenggalek with 63 personnel, Pasuruan Regency with 57 personnel, Situbondo Regency with 70 personnel, Kediri Regency with 40 personnel, Sidoarjo Regency with 48 personnel, as well as members of the Disaster Preparedness Village (KSB) in the Malang Disaster Alert Area.
Preliminary data stated that 6 people died and 7 people were injured.
The damage to buildings included 63 houses with heavy damage, 9 units with moderate damage, and 43 houses with light damage. The damaged facilities and infrastructure included 3 mosques, 8 government buildings, 2 health buildings and 2 school buildings.
"Tagana will continue to work to record fatalities and other damage which we will use to determine the next steps," said Robben.
As is known, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 on the Richter scale shook Malang City, East Java, Saturday afternoon (10/4) at 14:00:15 WIB.
Meanwhile, the location of the earthquake is located at the coordinates of 8.95 South Latitude (LS) and 112.48 East Longitude (BT), or more precisely, it occurred 90 km southwest, of Malang Regency, East Java. The earthquake was at a depth of 25 kilometers.
Alek Triyono
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N