LUMAJANG (23 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to strive to improve community preparedness to face disasters by accelerating the formation of Disaster Preparedness Villages (KSB) in some locations indicated as prone to disasters.


Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, the Ministry of Social Affairs focuses on carrying out activities to anticipate the possible threat of Megathrust on the southern coast of Java Island, through increasing community capacity, one of which is through the KSB facilitation.


After the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that rocked three districts in East Java, namely Malang, Lumajang, and Blitar on Saturday (10/4), prompted the Ministry of Social Affairs to immediately form a KSB in Lumajang Regency.


The two sub-districts selected for the formation of the KSB are Tempursari and Pasirian Districts, where the two sub-districts have a fairly high level of disaster risk, from earthquakes, landslides, to tsunamis.


The formation of the two KSBs in Lumajang Regency was officially confirmed by the Regent of Lumajang, Thoriqul Haq, on Saturday (22/5) at the Bulurejo Village Field, Tempursari, Lumajang. The formation of the KSB is a step towards reducing disaster risk and increasing community preparedness in the event of a disaster.


"Lumajang Regency has all the potential for disasters. Yesterday's earthquake, we felt the impact. We have the potential for a tsunami because we are on the south coast route. We have the potential for volcanic eruptions from Semeru. I am grateful and appreciate the desire of residents to be together with us, the government. and the community, if there is a disaster we are alert, we are ready, "said Thoriqul Haq in his speech.


In one KSB group, there are around 60 residents who are appointed as members of KSB. They were provided with some disaster mitigation training, such as mapping potential disasters, mapping resources, basic first aid and evacuation training, post-camps, and public kitchens.


"We provide technical training on disasters, the community makes their own SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) so that they know and who is part of the evacuation, who is part of the public kitchen. Each has a coordinator so that it is clear who does what," said the Head of the Sub Directorate. (Head of Sub-Directorate) Preparedness and Mitigation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Iyan Kusmadiana.

In addition to providing knowledge, the Ministry of Social Affairs also provides logistical assistance, in the form of cooking utensils, tents, family kits, rice, ready-to-eat food, and so on, worth 211 million rupiahs which will be placed in a social barn as backup logistics in the event of a disaster.

Meanwhile, Sutono, who was appointed as chairman of the KSB Tempursari District admitted that he was happy with the formation of KSB in the area where he lived. According to him, with disaster training, the community is more prepared for disasters that can occur at any time.

"Thank God, I am happy. From yesterday we were taught training on disasters. So, whether we want it or not, we must be able to prepare ourselves. But, we have divided the team and have their respective duties," explained Sutono.

The formation of the two KSBs in Lumajang Regency increased the number of KSB throughout Indonesia to 780 KSBs. The Ministry of Social Affairs will continue to establish new KSB in other disaster-prone areas.