MALANG (29 June 2021) – Social Minister Tri Rismaharini will take firm action against Family Hope Program (PKH) facilitators who dare to abuse the rights of Beneficiary Families (KPM).

"I have communicated with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian Republic Police (POLRI) so that they can quickly deal with the PKH facilitator. The report was made one week ago," said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini during a visit at Kanigoro Village Hall, Pagelaran District, Malang Regency, East Java, Tuesday (29/6/2021). .

If proven guilty, said the Social Minister, the said facilitator could be punished for abusing the rights of KPM.
"We will definitely fire the facilitator. Please ask the Malang Police for further information on the legal process," said the Social Minister.

There are 32 cards that have not been distributed to KPM PKH with various nominal values, some of which are IDR 3 million per year. The fraud has been carried out since 2017.

"For this June distribution, it's race against time because if it is late, we have to wait three more months," she said.

The Social Minister emphasized that there must be other individuals who abuse their authority like this. The Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) will certainly process these kinds of violations.

"We have collaborated not only with the Bareskrim Polri, but also with the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to investigate and take action," explained the Social Minister.

The Ministry of Social Affairs ensures that PKH assistance is received only in cash by each KPM who is entitled to receive it.

“PKH social assistance is in the form of cash and not goods. So, if there is assistance in the form of goods, it is clearly not from us,” she said.

Previously, a PKH facilitator with the initial "P" who was recruited in 2016 with task area in Malang Regency had misappropriated assistance for KPM.

She manipulated 32 PKH KPM data which was carried out during data validation in 2017, so that the 32 KPM did not know they were PKH participants.

From 2017 to early 2021, she kept those Prosperous Family Cards (KKS) and in each stage of distribution, P withdrew the assistance and used the funds for personal interests.

To eliminate traces of irregularities and evidence, P burned the 32 cards with a loss value of hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs