One of them is the
assistance for uninhabitable houses (Rutilahu) for the elderly which is carried
out by the Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims
(PSKBA). Where from 39 sub-districts spread across Tasikmalaya Regency, the
PSKBA Directorate takes part in four sub-districts, namely Kadipaten District,
Pagerageung District, Salopa District, and Cineam District.
Acting Head of the
PSKBA Directorate, Iyan Kusmadiana, when visiting the Rutilahu location in Pagerageung
District said, "This year's HLUN commemoration is different from the
previous year, where all components of MoSA came together to assist the community, especially the elderly."
"The theme of
the 2022 National Elderly Day is Healthy Elderly, Strong Indonesia with
sub-themes that are adapted to the respective ministries/agencies and local
governments," he said.
The culmination of
the 26th National Elderly Day (HLUN) commemoration is planned to be attended by
the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo via teleconference and
broadcast live from the SMC Singaparna Medika Citrautama Hospital (RS-SMC) Tasikmalaya
Regency on Sunday, 29 May 2022.