JAKARTA (28 January 2021) - The activeness and strong commitment of regional governments are important factors in improving the quality of poverty data. According to the Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Moekhlas Sidik, this is because the procedure of updating data is bottom up, that is from regional governments to central government.
Moekhlas Sidik stated that it is important for regional governments to regularly update data. This is because the poverty data is dynamic or constantly changing.
"There are those who move their address, change in their economic status, or get sick and passed away. So if necessary, the updating data need to be carried out every month instead of every three months. All government apparatus need to expand their working area to not only in villages/kelurahan (sub district), but to neighborhood units/hamlet (RT/RW) level if necessary,” he said in Jakarta (28/01).
Moekhlas' statement reiterated the same message he conveyed during the Specific Work Visit of the Commission VIII DPR RI in the distribution of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Cilegon City, Banten Province (27/01). On that occasion, Commission VIII DPR-RI emphasized the importance of strengthening synchronization and coordination in updating poverty data.
"Regional governments are required to update data. If the stipulation is quarterly, if necessary it can be done every month, ”said Moekhlas. Moekhlas' statement was supported by the Director of Family Social Security of the Ministry of Social Affairs Rachmat Koesnadi.
He stated that a good and “clean” verification and validation process starting from the regions, greatly determines the quality of poverty data. "We hope to be able to obtain good and “clean” data from all regions. This is to make the data processing run smoothly and the assistance disbursement right on target,” said Rachmat.
On this occasion, Rachmat stated, the simultaneous launch of PKH cash assistance had been started on January 4, 2021, directly by President Joko Widodo, at the State Palace. "The distribution of PKH cash assistance in Cilegon City is among the top 4 in Banten Province," he said.
There are around 130 beneficiary families (KPM) who have not received PKH because of illness, far domicile, and from outside of town. "We only distribute assistance to KPM whose data is clean. For the data that are not clean, like invalid ID Number and so on, we immediately carry out verification directly to field, "said Rachmat.
To accelerate the distribution of cash assistance, the Ministry of Social Affairs continues to conduct weekly monitoring and find solutions to various challenges that occur in the field. "We also conducted socialization so that the assistance provided was only used for important needs such as school needs and business capital," he said.
In line with the provisions in Law Number 13 Year 2011 concerning Poverty Handling, verification and validation of poverty data starts from the lowest elements of government, namely villages and sub-districts. On article 8 paragraph (7) states that “verification and validation as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be carried out by the potential and sources of social welfare in the sub-district, kelurahan or village.
The data updating process moves upward in stages, namely to the sub-district, regency/city level before being approved by the Minister of Social Affairs.
The Ministry of Social Affairs distributed cash assistance for the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Banten Province to 315,250 Beneficiary Families (KPM) with a total value of IDR 212,004,975,000 in 2021. As of January 25, 2021, PKH cash assistance in Banten Province that had been disbursed is IDR 210,359 billion (96.96%).
As for the City of Cilegon, PKH reached 5,897 KPM with a value of Rp. 3,937 billion with disbursements reaching Rp. 3,922 billion or 96.83% as of January 25.
The specific Work Visit of Commission VIII DPR RI is led by Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR Mochlas Siddik from the Gerindra Party. On this occasion, the Micro Credit Program (KUR) assistance was also distributed from Bank Mandiri worth IDR 25 million each to 3 KPM PKH Graduasi.
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Ministry of Social Affairs