MAJENE (February 23, 2021) - Member of Commission VIII DPR RI, Arwan M. Aras monitors the process of distributing compensation to the heirs of the earthquake victims who died in Majene Regency, West Sulawesi Province, Tuesday (23/2).
Accompanied by the Regent of Majene, Lukman, and the Head of the Sub-Directorate (Kasubdit) of Social Recovery and Strengthening of the Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Pudak Bektiwidari, Arwan carried out his supervisory function by also handing over compensation to the families of 13 victims who died as a result of the earthquake in Majene District.
Each heir received compensation of IDR 15,000,000, so that the total assistance handed over by the Ministry of Social Affairs to 13 heirs in Majene Regency was IDR 195,000,000. Also present at the distribution location were the ranks of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Majene Regency.
Distribution of Compensation to Heirs in Mamuju Kabupaten Regency
After monitoring the distribution of compensation for heirs in Majene Regency, on Wednesday (24/2), still accompanied by the Head of Sub-Directorate for Social Recovery and Strengthening, Pudak Bektiwidari, Arwan M. Aras, he monitored the process of distributing compensation to heirs of earthquake victims who died in the area. The next affected area is Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province.
Data from the PSKBA Directorate noted that in this district, more victims were affected than Majene District with 95 deaths. The total compensation disbursed by the Ministry of Social Affairs to the heirs in Mamuju Regency is IDR 1,425,000,000.
Also attending the event were the Head of the Mamuju Social Office (Kadinsos), Luthfi, together with the Head of the Social Protection and Security (Linjamsos) Division of the West Sulawesi Province Social Office, Fatmawati.
Commission VIII DPR RI Monitors the Distribution of Compensation for the Heirs of the West Sulawesi Earthquake
Direktorat PSKBA
Alif Mufida Ulya; David Myoga
Intan Qonita N