BATU (12 May 2021) - Siti Muthmainah, one
of the Beneficiary Families (KPM) from Batu City, Malang, East Java, resigned
from participating in the Family Hope Program (PKH) after being economically
independent and no longer dependent on social assistance PKH in meeting their
daily needs.
In pursuit of
entrepreneurial practice by running an independent business selling decorative
flowers since seven years ago (read: 2014), the Muthmainah family's economy has
gradually increased.
"Thank God, through
my flower selling business, now the family can afford it," said
Siti when visited by PKH Batu City Facilitator, Moch. Ferry Cahyono.
Ferry said one of the
educational roles given by PKH Facilitators is by carrying out the Family
Development Session (FDS) every month.
In each meeting, KPM is
given knowledge material through various modules including Education and Child
Care at Home, Child Protection, Health and Nutrition, Economics and Business
Planning, and Social Welfare, which are provided on an ongoing basis.
"This is what we
provide to KPM that changes in mindset and behavior can be planned so that they
do not just receive social assistance, but there is guidance, empowerment,
counseling, complaints of problems and the like," explained Ferry.
According to Ferry, the
key to the success of this graduation cannot be separated from the synergy
effort between PKH Facilitators and local village officials. "This support
is very important because it is their citizens who will graduate," he added.
Siti Muthmainah sells
various types of flowers, from Walisongo, Tree Color, Hanging Flowers, Janda
Bolong, Monstera, Taro, to Aglaonema, and other ornamental flowers in a stall
that she rents not far from where she lives.
She said that the flower
business, which was later given the name "Dahlia Florist", was
started with the will and the desire to change for the better with her husband.
The mother of two started selling flowers in 2014 on a limited scale.
"Actually, there
were still obstacles at that time, for example, limited capital or even
fluctuating sales turnover," said Siti, who officially graduated
independently some time ago.