JAKARTA (February 21, 2023) - Disaster management is one of the strategic tasks of Ministry of Social Affairs. Through Disaster Voluntary Worker (Tagana), Ministry of Social Affairs establishes disaster preparedness in the midst of society.

In order to provide maximum social services and protection for survivors in disaster-affected locations, Ministry of Social Affairs continues to improve the capacity of Tagana personnels.

Through Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA), in collaboration with Education, Training, and Professional Development Center (Pusdiklatbangprof), Ministry of Social Affairs collaborates with a number of related parties to provide training on the formation of Tagana Character Building Task-Force.

"Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini is very concerned about the safety and comfort of the disaster survivors at the evacuation site. For this reason, she asks Tagana to be trained in such a way, one of which is this, through training on the formation of Tagana Character Building Task-Force," said Director General of Social Protection and Security (Linjamsos) Robben Rico, recently.

Task-Force (Satgas) is a unit or formation formed to carry out certain tasks. This is in accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs who instructed Tagana to be able to carry out technical matters in the field or at the disaster site.

"As the main pillar in disaster management, Ministry of Social Affairs has prepared Tagana Task-Force as special force in the field of disaster, who is hopefully always ready to deal with problems, as well as meet the needs of people affected by disasters," said Robben.

Tagana Task-Force, said Robben, must be ready, anticipative, responsive and adaptive followed by qualified skills in dealing with unexpected disasters.

"The new understanding that Tagana Task-Force have to know is being able to create infrastructure and understand how to make evacuation routes. Widespread knowledge about disasters must also be increased so that it can educate the wider community," he said.

Training on the formation of Tagana Task-Force that is carried out, he continued, is not only to improve the capabilities of Tagana personnels, but also to provide opportunities for advancement with different levels of ability.

"We hope Tagana has the ability to achieve the expected goals so that disaster management in Indonesia will be much better," he said.

The Special Forces Command (Kopassus) is one of Ministry of Social partners in increasing Tagana's professionalism. Territorial Assistant (Aster) Kopassus Lt. Col. inf. Irfan Amir welcomes and appreciates training on the formation of Tagana Task-Force as an effort to create a Tagana with disciplined and responsible character, as well as having a human spirit and a national outlook.

"Through this training, participants will be given training and an understanding of the formation of disciplinary character, as well as responsibility. We hope, in the future, a positive character will be formed that can train Tagana's mental resilience, even when they have to face any of the most difficult situations during disaster," said Irfan Amir in Cijantung, East Jakarta.

Training on the forming of Tagana Task-Force, which is attended by 30 participants, is held for fourteen days, starting on Wednesday (8/2) and finishes today (21/2). The first three days, training was given by elite troops which is centered at the Kopassus Headquarters in Cijantung, East Jakarta. Meanwhile, on the fourth and next days, it is held at Tagana Center in Sentul and "Inten Soeweno" Integrated Center in Cibinong.

A number of related parties also join to provide training on the formation of Tagana Task-Force. They are National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), and Vertical Rescue Indonesia (VRI).

Meanwhile, the training material given is how to carry out disaster emergency response services, to Vertical Rescue or how to rescue people from difficult locations using victim evacuation techniques, including techniques that can be used to distribute logistical assistance by prioritizing safety and teamwork.

One of the participants in training on the formation of Tagana Task-Force from Surabaya, Nur Abadi, said he is a proud man to have the opportunity to take part in the activity.

“Alhamdulillah, I was given the opportunity to be able to take part in several trainings, including the first training, which was training at Makopassus for three days, then continued, at Tagana Center. Of course, as one of the selected people, I am happy and proud to have the opportunity to take part in this training on the forming of Tagana Task-Force," said the man.

According to him, the training gives him a lot of learning in the form of knowledge and techniques that he could apply upon his return to his local place or when he gets deployment to disaster-prone and disaster-affected locations.

"Alhamdulillah, in this training, we get a lot of knowledge and benefits. We have been taught various kinds of knowledge, including Vertical Rescue. In Vertical Rescue training, we were taught rigging, what shelter is, simulations and their needs, observing the environment before setting up tents, and testing the evacuation of victims by crossing," he said.

In line with Nur Abadi, a participant in training on the formation of Tagana Task-Force from Jember, Nur Kholis revealed that the key to the fourteen days of training he participated in with trainers from a number of related parties was team cohesiveness and accuracy when on duty in the field.

“The impression we get is that it is about teamwork. It tests our solidity, our speed, our precision, our care in work as well. Here, we get that knowledge. I think, this training is cool! Excellent!" he said after participating training on the formation Tagana Task-Force.

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