BREBES (17 May 2021) - Empowerment of Beneficiary Families
(KPM) from The Family Hope Program (PKH) is one of the targets set by the PKH
program in 2021.
This underlies the PKH Facilitators from Paguyangan, Brebes Regency to hold a Business Improvement Training with the theme of Starting an Independent Business and Being Prosperous. This activity was joined by PKH facilitators and 31 KPM administrators of PKH Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Paguyangan District.
The interviewees were two self-graduated KPM PKH (Graduasi Mandiri) who had successfully built their business. The first interviewee was Bastiatun or usually addressed as Mrs. Tia from Brebes District.
“Ms. Tia has received PKH assistance since 2016 and decided to self-graduate in 2020. She has a business on producing bed sheets called Tia Sprei. She started her business since 2018 when she was still active as a KPM PKH. Her monthly turnover reaches IDR 30 Million. She has 4 employees,” said Paguyangan District PKH Coordinator Dwi Natalis Setiawan.
The second interviewee, Mrs. Ayuning, had received PKH assistance for almost 6 years from 2014. She decided to self-graduate in 2020 because she already has an independent business which starts to grow rapidly. Salted Egg Crackers with the name Ayuning get quite an opportunity in the market with a turnover of up to IDR 60 Million. She also has four employees.
Ayuning, shared her success story to all participants in the Business Improvement Training. "Be a productive woman. Don't stop at your wish, but make it happen," said Ayuning in front of the training participants.
One of the training participants said that she already has a small business at home producing mini Opak (traditional rice flour crackers) that was still developing, "Hopefully I can follow the footsteps of Mrs. Ayuning who has already been successful in the culinary business," she said.
Dwi hopes that this business improvement training event can motivate KUBE administrators to become entrepreneurs, so that the KPM PKH empowerment process in Paguyangan can be achieved well and there are benefits to obtain.