KUPANG (25 May 2021) - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini went to a working visit to East Nusa Tenggara this morning. In this visit, the Social Minister distributed aid and donations from philanthropists, business world, and from various associations to the survivors of the Seroja cyclone in early April.

The Ministry of Social Affairs has received donations and aids from various parties to help disaster relief, including victims of the Seroja cyclone in NTT.

Previously, the Social Minister stated that she would have a dialogue with related parties in distributing the aforementioned donations. "We have to know first what the victims need," said the Social Minister recently.

A number of parties have entrusted donations both in the form of money or goods to meet the needs of disaster survivors through the Ministry of Social Affairs as a form of their concern and desire to help others.

One of the donors were Sido Muncul donating IDR 500 million. There was also aid in the form of 1 million Antis Hand Sanitizers worth about IDR 1 billion. Most recently, the Ministry of Social Affairs also received a donation of IDR 100 million from the Victory Community Church.

Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs