WAY KANAN (February 18, 2021) - Happy news came from two Family Beneficiaries (KPM) of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Tulang Bawang Village, Bahuga District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province.
The good news was spread through messages from the media group by the PKH Coordinator for Way Kanan Regency, Pebri, followed by the PKH Social Assistant, Bahuga District, Ayu Fepri Nawang Sari.
"The two best sons of PKH Lampung were declared to have passed the selection of Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) NCO from Way Kanan Regency this year, on behalf of Serda Riki Andrianto (son of Ms. Lestari Atun) and Sergeant Wahyu Nori Antito (son of Ms. Nunung Farida). Both were are children of KPM PKH. Currently, (both) are undergoing vocational education at the Equipment Education Center (Pusdikpal) Cimahi, Bandung, West Java," explained Pebri.
As a Social Assistance for PKH in Bahuga District, Ayu feels grateful and happy for the proud achievements of the two KPM PKH children she assists.
"We are very happy, Riki and Wahyu finally realized their dream of becoming TNI soldiers. Since studying at SMKN 1 Buay Bahuga, both of them have indeed been determined and prepared to devote their body and soul to Mother Earth by becoming TNI soldiers. Alhamdulillah, both of them are now successful make that dream come true," said Ayu.
Meanwhile, the Lampung Province PKH 2 Regional Coordinator (Korwil), Slamet Riyadi, also appreciated the achievements of the Lampung PKH KPM children.
"The Head of the Lampung Province Social Office, Aswarodi, on every opportunity, always motivates PKH HR to innovate in mentoring PKH KPM. This innovation is expected to be an alternative or model in accelerating the independence of PKH KPM, towards accelerating the Prosperous Graduation KPM. This is in line with the vision of The Governor of Lampung is heading for the Lampung Community to be successful, as well as the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs," said Slamet.
Furthermore, Slamet explained that the guidance for PKH children, in the long term, is expected to have implications for breaking the poverty chain between PKH KPMs. This, continued Slamet, is also synonymous with the innovation 'Let's Study Movement', which has been running since 2017 until now.
"This movement has succeeded in encouraging 335 PKH children to continue their education to the tertiary level. The hope is the same, to improve the welfare of PKH children in the future," concluded Slamet.
Slamet Riyadi (Koordinator Wilayah PKH Provinsi Lampung)
Alif Mufida Ulya; Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N