JAKARTA (August 18, 2021) – Koalisi Audiensi Mahasiswa Pemuda Prihatin (AMPRI) and Pemuda Anti Mafia visited the Ministry of Social Affairs office to raise issues related to BPNT occurred in South Sulawesi. The Inspectorate General representing the Ministry of Social Affairs held a hearing to respond to this public complaint. The hearing, which was held in the 7th Floor Meeting Room of the Inspectorate, was attended by representatives from AMPRI, Pemuda Anti-Mafia, Inspector General and Secretary, Inspector for Social Empowerment and Poverty Handling, Director of PFM Region III and Head of the Public Relations Bureau.


M. Akbar as AMPRI Field General said that there were many problems in the field related to social assistance that was not yet known by the Ministry of Social Affairs, including e-Warong fraud, as well as the presence of assistants and irresponsible elements. On this occasion, they voiced their desire for the Ministry of Social Affairs to be consistent and take firm action against violations that occurred in the field.


Responding to this problem, the Inspector General, Dadang Iskandar, said, “We appreciate the arrival of AMPRI. We have received the complaint and immediately coordinated with the relevant parties to respond to the problem. Currently, we have carried out several investigations in collaboration with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police and the Attorney General's Office to deal with problems in the field. We will also dispatch a team of auditors from the Inspectorate General along with the police to investigate the matter directly.”

In agreement with the Inspector General, Inspector for Social Empowerment and Poverty Handling, Pramudya Suryadharma also expressed the same appreciation. "We really appreciate the supervision carried out by the student alliance. This is in line with the Community Based Audit that we are currently developing. We hope that every report has a clear locus and focus so that it can be responded to immediately. In addition, the public can also contact the local police if there are problems regarding social assistance in the field so that they can be handled more quickly.”

Regarding complaints, the Ministry of Social Affairs has provided several complaint channels. We try to respond to all of them. Now, the public can file a complaint via wbs.kemensos.go.id. In addition, the public can also report if there are people who have not received the social assistance through the social assistance check application,” the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Hasim, added.

At the end of the activity, the Inspector General said that reports from the public would be followed up immediately. The naughty companions are investigated and if proven, they will be given sanctions. The Inspector General also hopes that the public will not tire of overseeing the Ministry of Social Affairs programs and continue to build communication with the Ministry of Social Affairs.