JAKARTA (18 October 2022) – As a member country of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Indonesia is committed to fulfilling the rights of people with disabilities.  This was done as a form of implementation of the Action Agenda for the Decade of Persons with Disabilities 2013-2022 which is called the Incheon Strategy to Make the Rights Real for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific.


 This action agenda, known as the Incheon Strategy, is intended to accelerate disability inclusivity in development in the Asia and Pacific region, in a measurable manner and within an agreed time frame, for a decade.


 The Incheon Strategy contains 10 goals, with 25 targets and 44 indicators that need to be implemented in the Asia and Pacific region.  One of the goals of the Incheon Strategy is to reduce poverty and increase employment opportunities and employment.  This is in line with other goals, namely strengthening social protection for people with disabilities.


 Based on 2020 Susenas data, there are 22.97 million people with disabilities throughout Indonesia, of which 6.1 million people have severe and moderate disabilities.  Of this number, 14.53% or 904 thousand people live below the poverty line.


 Indonesia, in particular Ministry of Social Affairs, has made various efforts to realize this goal, including through the involvement of people with disabilities in participating in PKH conditional assistance and providing Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program interventions through Social Rehabilitation Centers.


 PKH has reached 106 thousand people with disabilities throughout Indonesia.  One of the criteria set by Ministry of Social Affairs to be eligible to receive conditional assistance in PKH Beneficiary Families (KPM) is people with severe disabilities.  This category is entitled to assistance of IDR 2.4 million per year which is received quarterly.


 Apart from that, through PKH, people with disabilities are also encouraged to have access to and utilize basic social services such as health, education, food, nutrition, care, and assistance, including access to various other social protection programs, which are complementary programs on an ongoing basis.  PKH benefits are encouraged to include people with disabilities while maintaining their level of social welfare.


 Persons with disabilities who are registered for PKH assistance have the opportunity to receive the same services as other categories of beneficiaries.  With the help of PKH assistants, they are accompanied in collecting quarterly aid from the nearest ATM, for example, getting learning modules on managing aid money and parenting patterns for children with disabilities in Family Capacity Building Meetings (P2K2), and going to health services if they are found to be sick.


 This form of strengthening social protection for people with disabilities in Indonesia can also be seen in ATENSI program which is run by the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Ministry of Social Affairs in the region through 31 Social Rehabilitation Centers spread throughout Indonesia.


 In general, people with disabilities are rehabilitated in Social Rehabilitation Centers for a certain period.  While being rehabilitated, they are also given ATENSI program interventions in the form of support for meeting the needs of a decent living, social care and/or childcare, family support, physical therapy, psychosocial therapy and spiritual mental therapy, vocational training and/or entrepreneurship development, as well as social assistance and accessibility support.  In the process, they are accompanied by Social Workers at each Social Rehabilitation Center, until they are ready to go back into society.


Ministry of Social Affairs also encourages people with disabilities to live independently so that they can get out of the poverty line, one of which is by becoming an entrepreneur.  Ministry of Social Affairs distributed three-wheeled motorcycle that can be used by people with disabilities to sell around.  Uniquely, this three-wheeled motorcycle was assembled by people with disabilities.  Tricycle assemblers are paid salaries by Ministry of Social Affairs as a form of empowerment.  Ministry of Social Affairs deliberately promotes the concept of disability, by disability, and for disability to empower people with disabilities in every aspect.


 The distribution of three-wheeled motorcycle has succeeded in empowering hundreds of people with disabilities to become entrepreneurs, one of whom Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini often gives an example as motivation is Gading Ogi Saputra.  This person with physical disabilities from Pekalongan Regency received an electric tricycle from Ministry of Social Affairs through the ATENSI Entrepreneurship program.  Gading uses the three-wheeled motorcycle to sell drinks and other foodstuffs.

In providing entrepreneurship programs, Ministry of Social Affairs not only distributes three-wheeled motorcycle, but also business capital assistance for people with disabilities with limited mobility.  For example, capital assistance for grocery stores, credit, sewing, and other forms of business, depended on your interests and skills.


 Not only that, Ministry of Social Affairs also established ATENSI Creation Centers (SKA) in Social Rehabilitation Centers throughout Indonesia.  SKA is a forum for training people with disabilities to experience being entrepreneurs, with the hope that they can become entrepreneurs after completing the rehabilitation process.


 "Ministry of Social Affairs is developing SKA to increase entrepreneurship and vocation, create employment opportunities, and improve the social welfare of beneficiaries.  "That way, people with disabilities also have the same opportunities," said Social Affairs Minister Risma.


Ministry of Social Affairs continues to encourage the achievement of the goals of the Incheon Strategy, not only in reducing poverty but also in creating jobs.  Through its programs, Ministry of Social Affairs collaborates with relevant Ministries in providing vocational or skills training to people with disabilities.  Apart from that, Ministry of Social Affairs actively collaborates with various companies to distribute workers.


 Meanwhile, to fulfill the Incheon Strategy's objectives of increasing access to the physical environment, public transportation, knowledge, information, and communication, Indonesian Government has formulated various programs.  One of them is through the disability aid procurement program organized by Ministry of Social Affairs.


 In 2021, Ministry of Social Affairs distributed 6,581 units of assistive equipment, consisting of 757 units of electric wheelchairs, 354 units of three-wheeled commercial motorcycle, 5,420 units of adaptive canes, and 50 units of water sensors for the blind.  Meanwhile, in 2022, it is targeted that 10,000 assistive devices can be distributed.


 In terms of information and communication services, currently, the use of sign language in television programs is mandatory in news segments.  This is to fulfill the rights of people with disabilities to get access to information.


 Then, to ensure the availability of disability-friendly public services, Indonesian Government through Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN RB) conducted an audit or evaluation of public service units.  Every year, KemenPAN RB appoints public service units that are role models for providing friendly infrastructure for vulnerable groups.


 Meanwhile, disability-inclusive disaster risk management and reduction is also the focus of achievements in the Incheon Strategy.  In Indonesia itself, individual and group-based community-based disaster risk reduction models have involved elements of people with disabilities.


 People with disabilities are no longer just objects (those who are helped) but have developed as subjects (those who help) in disaster management.  For example, the Disaster Response Volunteers in Yogyakarta, are known as Disaster Response Volunteers with Disabilities (Difagana).


 Difagana was first formed in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) at the end of 2017. In several disaster events in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, Difagana has been involved in disaster management.


 Meanwhile, in anticipatory efforts towards the possibility of disasters occurring around people with disabilities, Ministry of Social Affairs has had innovative breakthroughs, one of which is the invention of an adaptive smart cane for the visually impaired.  The cane, which has helped the blind in accessibility, works to signal to the blind when there is water, even disasters around them.  The stick will vibrate and sound, allowing them to increase alertness to avoid or stay away from the disaster area.


Following Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 7 of 2021 on ATENSI, it is stated that one of the targets of the ATENSI program is Persons with Disabilities who are victims of natural, social, and other disasters determined by the government.


 In the post-disaster stage, the ATENSI program is implemented by the Social Rehabilitation Center involving social workers, psychologists, and nurses.  Officers who assist in handling disaster victims with disabilities have also been given special training, including Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR) Services, Psychosocial Support Services, Prevention of child separation, Support for access to meet the basic needs of Social Welfare Services for Persons in Need (PPKS), as well as efforts to prevent violence, exploitation, and neglect.