MALANG (26 June 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini fired up the enthusiasm of the beneficiaries who attended the Malang Regency Hall, Saturday (25/06). The Minister oratorically whipped up their motivation to have the courage to change their destiny.

To raise the spirits, the Minister of Social Affairs played a video of Gading, a child with multiple disabilities. He walks on all fours. His body cannot straighten up and his voice is not clear. The Ministry of Social Affairs helped Gading with a 3-wheeled motorbike, replacing his 3-wheeled bicycle to sell sachet drinks around Pekalongan City.

“Gading's turnover is now increasing. He can earn IDR 200 thousand each day. He even bought his parents a motorbike for IDR 18 million last May. His savings are now IDR 30 million,” said the Minister at the Socialization of Strengthening the Subsistence Economy as a Community Economic Effort at the Malang Regency Hall (25/06).

To the 1,500 beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) who were present at the pavilion or through the zoom application, the Minister asked them to take lessons from the figure of Gading. He is able to change his fate despite his limitations.

The Minister hoped that beneficiaries with a perfect physical condition can achieve success beyond Gading. “We all have complete hands and perfect voices, while Gading does not. We should make the best of what God has given to us," she said.

She invited PKH beneficiaries in Malang to develop entrepreneurial skills. “There were women in Surabaya who were nobody before, now they are billionaires. So do you. But first, you have to work hard. Are you up to it?” challenged the Minister.

“Yes, we are!” the beneficiaries said in unison.

The Minister explained that the Ministry of Social Affairs would work together with Bank Indonesia and the Malang Regency Government to organize a social empowerment program. The target is 2,500 beneficiaries of social assistance in Malang Regency, Batu City, and Malang City.

This activity aimed to encourage financial independence and gradually improve the welfare of PKH beneficiaries. They are expected to graduate from the PKH program in the next 6 months.

Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs