BEKASI (FEBRUARY 10, 2023) - Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini inaugurated the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center Flat in Bekasi, Friday (10/2). A total of 93 units with complete facilities are ready to be occupied by beneficiaries.
"We are trying to solve the problems that exist in this area. Many live under bridges without residential data and they have never received assistance," said the Minister of Social Affairs when opening the activity.
The Minister also said that as part of the process of social rehabilitation and empowerment for vulnerable groups, not only decent housing was built, but other basic needs were also provided to vulnerable groups.
"We prepare their jobs and training, we facilitate their children's education and we provide access to other assistance from the government," continued the Minister.
The good work of the Ministry of Social Affairs has received support from various partners, one of which is the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto said that the construction of this flat is a good collaboration to overcome extreme poverty.
"Thank you to the Ministry of Social Affairs. This is an extraordinary collaboration to provide decent housing for community groups, especially those in deciles one and two. As the implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of the Elimination of Extreme Poverty, of course this requires collaboration and the role of various parties," said Iwan, who was also present at the inauguration ceremony.
The construction of the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center Flats targets the fulfilment of the basic needs of the Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) for a decent place to live. The PPKS consist of 13 people with disabilities, 17 elderly, and 55 other vulnerable groups. They are charged a rent of IDR 10,000/month to live in the flat.
The result of collaborative work between the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Public Works and Housing provides 93 rooms of type 24 m2 which are equipped with bunk beds, mattresses, wardrobes, tables, chairs, kitchen sets, sitting toilets, showers, and 1300 watt electricity tokens.
In addition, the flats are also facilitated with supporting facilities, including food stalls, snack stalls, laundry, clinic rooms, library rooms, multipurpose rooms and management rooms as well as CCTV.
Furthermore, these beneficiaries will also be provided with various kinds of training to increase their capacity and skills so that they can be independent. Later they will return to the community with sufficient provisions. Therefore, the Minister emphasized that the ownership of this flat should not be transferred.
"Do not transfer it, sir / ma'am. If it is done, I will be forced to expel both old and new residents. It must be clean. When you return from scavenging, put it there (garbage processing site) and then come here," said Risma.
One of the beneficiaries, Sri Sukowati (50), expressed her joy at being able to move into the flat. Every day, she and her husband, Soebagyo (60) work as scavengers with an income of IDR 10,000 - IDR 12,000.
"I'm happy to be able to move because it's clean and new. I'm grateful that I have stuff. I don't have a mattress, only an iron bed," said Wati.
Wati hopes that by living in a flat she and her family can live more properly. She also hopes that her economic level will improve so that she can provide better education for her two sons.
"I want to sell nasi uduk again. I used to sell it but it went bankrupt. I can cook all kinds of things. Hopefully, I can sell more food. My children can also go to higher education," said Wati.
Until now, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of PUPR have built 3 flats, namely Flats at the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Integrated Center, Flats at the Mulya Jaya Pasar Rebo Center, and Flats at the Prof. Dr. Soeharso Solo Integrated Center which are currently still under construction.
Also attending the event were Chairman of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives Ashabul Kahfi, Member of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives Obon Tabroni, Plt. Mayor of Bekasi Tri Adhianto Tjahyono, Dandim 0507 Bekasi City Luluk Setyanto and Deputy Mayor of Bekasi City Dewi S.
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Ministry of Social Affairs RI