SUMENEP (May 14, 2023) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini again gave attention to children with hydrocephalus. They are Muhammad Jamal Kurniawan (14) and Nur Aisyah (8).

Jamal has suffered from quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy caused by hydrocephalus since he was four months old. Jamal, who lives with his family in Asemnunggal Village, Kalianget District, Sumenep Regency, East Java, carries out his daily functional activities with the help of his family.

He received Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) assistance of IDR 11,242,100 consisting of basic needs and nutrition assistance, accessibility assistance and other supporting assistance. The assistance was handed over directly by Minister of Social Affairs Risma to Jamal and his family.

In addition, to facilitate and maximize the provision of services, Jamal along with his mother and eldest brother will be taken to the Prof. Dr. Soeharso Integrated Center in Surakarta to receive assistance during the health therapy period.

"It's okay, sir, ma'am, Jamal will take a long time to recover if he stays at home. Therefore, it is better to be treated and treated at our Center in Solo. Because this therapy must be practiced routinely every day. Later we will provide temporary accommodation for those who accompany him, everything is guaranteed," said Social Affairs Minister Risma when persuading Jamal's parents in Sumenep Regency, Sunday (14/05).

Social Affairs Minister Risma also instructed representatives from the Prof. Dr. Soeharso Integrated Center who were also present so that Jamal's oldest brother who has graduated from school can take part in vocational training in wheelchair assembly. So that in addition to accompanying his younger brother, he can also gain work experience that he can use in the future.

After visiting Jamal, Social Affairs Minister Risma then met Aisyah at the Dr. H. Moh. Anwar Regional Hospital, a child with hydrocephalus from the couple Nurulyakin and Nurhayati who live in Brakas Village, Raas, Sumenep Regency. Nurulyakin works as a fisherman with an income of IDR35,000/day.

Aisyah had previously been assessed and taken for further treatment at Dr. H. Moh. Anwar Regional Hospital. From the results of the examination, it turned out that Aisyah also had bronchopneumonia (a lung disorder). With this, the Ministry of Social Affairs will also continue to accompany her until the next examination.

"This must be handled quickly; it would be a shame if it takes too long. Don't be afraid about the costs, sir, ma'am, we will pay for everything," said the Minister of Social Affairs to Aisyah's parents.

To Aisyah, Minister of Social Affairs Risma also immediately handed over assistance worth IDR14,246,800 consisting of an adaptive wheelchair, assistance in meeting basic needs and nutrition, children's toys and operational assistance during treatment.

Also accompanying the Regional Secretary of Sumenep Regency Edy Rasiyadi, Head of Social Rehabilitation Division of Sumenep Social Service Fajarisman, Head of Margo Laras Center Pati Jiwaningsih and Head of Administration Division of Integrated Center Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta Proboretno and other staff.