BANJARMASIN (November 28, 2023) - Commission VIII DPR RI together with the Ministry of Social Affairs conducted a Specific Work Visit (Kunspek) in South Kalimantan Province at the Kalimantan Regional IV Social Welfare Education and Training Center (BBPPKS) office in Banjarmasin (11/28/2023).

Inspection of Commission VIII DPR RI related to the Supervision of the Distribution of Family Hope Program Assistance (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance Programs, and Indonesian Economic Heroes (PENA). This is intended to obtain factual information and absorb aspirations regarding policies, implementation problems, and proposed solutions regarding social assistance.

The head of the Kunspek team, Syaifullah Tamliha, said that this Kunspek would be a forum so that the aspirations of the people in districts and cities, in South Kalimantan, could be absorbed by elements of the leadership and members of Commission VIII, in the context of the social sector.

Tamliha further added that the aim of reviewing the distribution of social assistance was to explore various matters related to social assistance problems in South Kalimantan.

For information on this Kunspek activity, the Ministry of Social Affairs also provided assistance with a total amount of IDR81,106,109,863 consisting of PKH IDR33,130,999,728, BPNT IDR46,480,800,000, PENA IDR303,979,728, and Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) IDR1,109,330,170.