GARUT (November 11, 2021) - In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, who instructed the establishment of social granaries in disaster-prone areas, the Ministry of Social Affairs established two social granaries in Garut Regency, namely in Sukaresmi Subdistrict and at the Sukalilah Village Office. According to the Head of the Directorate of Social Recovery and Strengthening (PPS) at the PSKBA Directorate, Faisal, the social granaries will soon be supplied with logistical needs.
The establishment of social granaries is intended as an anticipation if at any time a disaster occurs, residents will still have their food needs met. Furthermore, the social granary will be filled with the basic needs of the residents, including food, to fuel oil.
Alif Mufida Ulya (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N